Aug 10, 2007 14:34
So, with Twinkie and Shroomie there of course OF COURSE, my apartment floods. Of course.
This time the flood was bad because it was so humid by the end of the day whole place reeked. So my land lord came down and ripped up all the carpeting. They're coming to measure the place tomorrow and the carpets getting laid down on monday.
I had to spend 50 bucks to get my laundry down because the vast majoirty of my clothes were on the floor. I woke up wed and went to grab a shirt and there was an 3 inchs of water on my floor. So, today i'm going to get tubs and water proof my room so that when it floods again (AND I KNOW IT WILL) all i'llhave to do is pick up the tubs and move them to the living room.
On a plus note I think everyone had fun. It was a pretty fun week all things considered.
I'm back to broke once again. its like I can't catch a break!!!!!! GAH!