Jul 21, 2011 15:32
Do you ever have one of those days where you feel like someone contracted cancer on purpose just to eff up your day. I know, I know it sounds awful, but something along those lines has happened leaving me feeling distracted and pouty like a kid who didn't get what they wanted at the nice toy store and ended up with some piece of crap toy from the dollar store.
So here is the cause of such agitation. As few people know Jared and I are not yet legally married. Now to us we are married we had the ceremony. It happened...I have the video to prove it. The only reason it wasn't legal was because Jared was doing the divorce from Jennifer (who only married him for her citizenship years ago) himself and evidentally there was some form he was missing so we just had the wedding anyway and thought we would take care of it in a few weeks. Fast forward to July and Jennifer has been on disability for a year and is relying on Jared's insurance. Well that wouldn't be such a big deal, but she has been having some tests done and it turns out she has breast cancer and requires surgery. Well effing fan-flipin-tastic. I know I sound like a cruel and heartless bitch, but just so the record is straight when Jared called me and asked if I would be okay to wait on filing those last papers so Jennifer could get surgery I of course said it was fine. I'm not that much of a snot. I politely assured him I was fine, but internally I am kinda raging.
I'm not angry at him or even her for that matter; I am just upset about the situation. This is partially because my insurance sucks and knowing I am going to start having alot of lab work and other things done for my condition that I have been ignoring for years means I am going to be paying for way more medical bills. Jared's union so he has premo insurance. I'm still in fear as it is from my recent annual checkup hoping that what I have been ignoring for the last 8 years hasn't led to ovarian or cervical cancer. Plus I want help with my fertility too assuming I don't have cancer because god damn it I would like to have a kid. That in part was my desire for marrying to have some sort of proper familial base. Now I shouldn't get to worked up because at the moment I do not know the degree of severity Jennifer is dealing with. I don't know if we are talking an easy surgery or we are talking chemo for her or what. Those are two very different scenarios. I just was kinda looking forward to changing my last name and having one I really wanted. I was looking forward to out honeymoon cruise next year in which I would have a brand new passport with my new name. And while it isn't out of the realm of possibility...sigh...I just hate these little earthquakes.