(no subject)

Aug 27, 2009 16:33

I have no idea what I've been doing with my life for the past 4 weeks that has prevented me from ging on LJ. Seriously. It must be the fact that my free time has been spent reading.

I finished The Time Traveler's Wife. It was amazing. And I cried. I REALLY want to see the movie, but I hate crying in movie theaters. I might just wait for it to be on DVD, or until the R5 comes out and I can download it. ;)

I move into my dorm room on Saturday morning. I'm going with my sis and mom to sleep over my grandparent's house tomorrow night because it's only 10 minutes away from the campus. That way we don't have to get up as early to be at the school at a good time.
I still have a lot of packing to do.

And since I work at a computer store, yesterday I had a tech put a 500GB hard drive into my MacBook Pro. :D I have more space available than the capacity of my old HD and it excites me. xD I'm typing this at work, actually. It's very slow right now. And it's my last day.

Just finished downloading Buffy season 7. And I've watched the first 5 episodes. I love this show.

Also, I'm really excited for the Wizards of Waverly Place movie tomorrow night! Is anyone else?

tv: btvs, book: time traveler's wife, rl: college, my computer!

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