You know how they say everything is bigger on TV?

Jul 25, 2011 16:45

That doesn't apply to crazy. Crazy is bigger in person

I went to NOM's "Let the People Vote" rally yesterday, to counter-protest. The amount of crazy was astounding. several hundred (tops) people who think they should be allowed to vote on my right to marry someone. We (me and a friend) asked one of the women there how gays marrying affected her. "It doesn't" We asked why she was there. The best she could come up with was that she was there because we were. She truly didn't seem to comprehend that we were there BECAUSE of NOM's protest. She kept saying that they were there because we were.

Another girl from there side came to chat us up (They were trying to "prove" to us that they're "nice" people who "love and care about" us). She made the mistake of commenting on having freedom. I replied, 'Well, MOST people.' She disappeared fairly quickly, clearly made uncomfortable by the statement.

Then a black (yes it's relevant) pastor came over, blessing us and telling us god loves us. Which I already know. He was all smiles and pleasantry til I brought up Loving v VA. "Well... we don't want to talk about that" Why because it proves that gays have a CONSTITUTIONAL right to marriage? He got annoyed quickly, interrupting me, talking over me, and all but thumping me in the chest with his finger. I asked if he thought slavery should've been voted on by the people. "Yes" Really? asks I, since if it was, HE'D be a slave. "No. Because I believe in reform." He's right, in that slavery would've EVENTUALLY gone by the wayside. But it would've taken much longer. I didn't point out the irony that THIS is reform.

Soon after I started to leave but got engaged in a conversation with a couple other girls. One of whom misgendered me, then persisted after I corrected her. Sorry honey, my gender is what I say it is, not what I was assigned at birth. Even when she asked my name after, and I told her, Patrick, she was all 'what was it at birth'? Bitch that's NOT your business.

Oh, and Brian Brown? You need a new image consultant. Because you remind me of a snake oil salesman.

and, for the record, no matter how many of us there were LGBTQ, THIS SUIT was the ONLY abomination present yesterday:

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