and I'm drinking coffee for lunch. No wonder I have a headache. (But it's... delicious?)
(1) My sister totally fucked up her laptop yesterday. I'm not even sure HOW; but it started with wanting to uninstall Power DVD (worthless piece of shit), and ended with her having to do a system restore and losing her ENTIRE iTUNES LIBRARY, OMG. D:
Actually, it started with me getting up for work yesterday, and my sister red-eyed going, "HOW DO I FIX THIS??? D:" And I tried my best, but - yeah, I mean, my computer crashed six months ago because I forgot to dust it. I mean, what the fuck do I know about anything?
So yeah, that blows. Even though she has a 160GB iPod that she should've backed her library up on (like I do with mine), but... nope. (But at least she has a few playlists to get off her iPod; so I guess it's not the worst thing in the world?)
(1.3) Just for the record, if you ever hear this massive wailing and screeching from the direction of Minnesota; just know it's me losing my entire iTunes library, okay? And that I'm screeching because my whole entire world has ended. And I'm having an aneurysm. For realsies.
I mean, I have over 16,000 songs on my iPod (well, some of them are audiobooks); and it's kind of one of those things where iPod and I are like, attached at the hip. Or wrist. Or ear. Whatever. "The Tour of My Elderly Descent" (the name of my iPod) is like, my baby. When I leave the house, one pocket has my cell, the other has my iPod. I forget my purse in more places than I forget my iPod. It's just...
... I love my music. ♥ And I'm experiencing second-hand trauma from Sister losing her music library.
(1.6) Speaking of music: You all should friend me on if you haven't already. Just sayin'.
(2) Yesterday sucked in general, though. It was my mom's sixth death-anniversary, and I had to work. Boo. Even though I was a major Emo Girl, and was an emotional wreck. Oh well.
(3) To be honest though, it was probably because I was exhausted. I mean, I just don't sleep well ever, anyway; but I've been staying up 24+ hours lately before I crash, just out of some new habit. I'm usually good about it (my record is 37 hours, I think?); but doing it so often has been having deleterious effects. Boo.
(3.25) But shouldn't my body know I've been a disordered sleeper since childhood? I mean, I've been sleeping 4-6 hours for years now; and I'm actually way more functional on three hours of sleep than the recommended eight. So... cha to that. Staying up all night shouldn't been like this.
(3.5) This all reminds me of when I got my contacts prescription a few years ago, though. The nurse was trying to sell me this non-multi purpose solution; where you have to let the lenses soak for six hours to disinfect. And I was like, "But... I never sleep six hours?", and she looked at me like I was a freak of nature. Which I pretty much am. "But you have to get some sleep, honey!" And I was like, "I do? Just... not more than six hours?"
(3.75) Okay, how much do you all sleep? I mean, seriously. My mom never used to sleep more than four hours. (But then again, she was a single mom of four with two jobs for eons, so I guess she didn't really have the choice...)
(4) Did I mention I made cake? :D Duncan Hines, fudge marble. TOTALLY VEGAN. :D
(4.5) I made it for Imbolc, which was the 1st-2nd. Hopefully the Gods think it's just as nummy as I do. (They normally only get Oreos and soy milk, so I guess this is a step up?)
(5) So, a couple days ago my sister-in-law called; asking if we wanted Girl Scouts cookies, and to inform us of "Impending Minion's" (my brother's words, not mine) gender.
Basically it's all L.O.L.
(5.25) No really: LOL.
(5.5) I told y'all the story of the inside joke in my family, right? How since my older brother John only had all girls, that my other brother Michael was destined to have all boys, yeah? Even though they really want a girl, and it's more genetically feasible?
Well, drum roll please......
Oh yeah, they are totally having another boy. LOL.
I mean, with the Chromosome Bingo, how the fuck did that happen? But yeah, I'm going to have another nephew. ♥
(5.75) No names, yet. Although I think they're considering "Nicholas"... which I don't quite like. (But hey, not my kid.)
(6) Since we know the gender now, I can totally make him a baby blanket! ♥ My mom use to cross-stitch binkets for the newbies; so I'd like to do that for him, so he doesn't feel left out. (He's going to be the only "minion" in the family without one, otherwise. :( Sad "Fact of Life" is sad.)
(6.25) Besides, the Olympics are coming up, and I just hate sitting on my bum doing nothing while watching, anyway. And I love to cross-stitch. ♥
This is the kit I have in mind. ♥ Especially since Impending Minion's parents are D&D players who cosplay for Ren Fest every year. $60 is steep, but it's just... SO FREAKING PERFECT.
(6.75) It's either that, or coming up with my own design. Which would be lol-tastic, and have weird-ass dragons on it, anyway.
(7) I have nothing else to add, except I'm trying to write a Bye Bye Birdie AU for a V-Day RPS fanfic challenge. Geez.
(7.5) How are the rest of you? I'm being ADD with my flist again, so I probably missed something. :(
ETA: Almost forgot to ask!:
(8) I have about 90+ packets of ramen flavoring in my cabinet (creamy chicken); and I would REALLY hate to just throw them away. Anyone game to have them arrive in their mailbox? I keep suggesting to my sister that they'd go great with rice, or something, but she won't even try it. :(
I'm willing to ship anywhere, as long as it costs me less than $10.