I'm just copying the one dollsome posted on Tumblr this year, which probably originated from LJ but at this point i don't even remember anymore. Also, I drafted this in January and never finished it, so 11 months later I am finally making what I finished publicly accessible.
Best new fandom discovery of the year: LOKI. The man, the series, all of it.
Biggest fandom disappointment of the year: LOKI/SYLVIE BUMMING ME OUT HARD RE: FAILING @ ROMANTIC CHEMISTRY OR CIVIL INTERACTION FOR ALL OF SEASON TWO. I yearned for a hug! YEARNED! Also just, like, the ending of S2 in general, though I've (mostly) come to terms with it as a reasonably good conclusion. (but it BUMMED ME.)
Runner-up: Janine & Gregory's first kiss being a dumbass drunken one that leads to nothing afterward (you don't have to copy The Office in everything! damn!)
Biggest squee moments of the year: every Loki/Sylvie moment in S1 (tbd later), and something(s) from Big Sy I will fill in later.
Favorite Main Character of the Year: GUESS! (but also: Jenny Hoyt, Cassie Dewell, and Beaut whatshisname on Big Sky)
Favorite Villain of the Year: Can this be...the same.
Favorite m/f couple of the year: Loki/Sylvie, obvi
Runner-ups: Beau/Jenny (but secretly in my heart also Beau/Cassie), Big Sky
Gavin/his wife, La Brea
Peter/Mary Jane, Tom Holland edition of SpiderMan (I saw clips, all the clips)
Favorite f/f couple of the year: n/a
Favorite m/m couple of the year: I was briefly a Lokius shipper?? (I NEED THIS MAN/GOD TO KNOW LOVE). Also Crowley/Aziraphale, I guess, but I truly will never feel that in my heart long-term.
Favorite fictional friendship of the year: Jenny & Cassie; Loki & Mobius
Your fictional boyfriend of the year?: This one is actually NOT Loki, because no thank u, but it IS definitely one of several other men I saw Tom Hiddleston play. [in The Night Manager, Return to Cranford, or The Essex Serpent specifically]
Your fictional girlfriend of the year?: Jenny Hoyt, boss-ass bitch
Fandom that you never expected to get into: MARVEL. CINEMATIC. UNIVERSE. What the hell. I literally made hating this a large part of my personality for a decade.
Fandom that made an unexpected comeback: That 70s Show, which was only here for like a month, but what a wild shippy time I had! (despite it being right in the thick of the Danny Masterson trial, which. inconvenient)
Fandom that inspired the most crack: I think this one's actually Good Omens, tbh.
Your main fandom of the year: LOKIIIIIIIII
The most missed of your old fandoms: I did miss Blood & Treasure somethin' fierce. Summer felt so sad and lonely without it to look forward to every week.
Fandom resolutions for next year: Watch good shows dammit. (I did write
this in January. i have not followed thru)
Fandom predictions for next year:
* I will find one (1) new show or ship to love
* I will be satisfied with how La Brea ends
P.S. I feel like I should have mentioned Daisy Jones & The Six somewhere?? Maybe a Good Omens squee moment? gotta work on this.