Apr 02, 2008 07:40
So so so much has been happening as of late. Lots of moving, talking, adjusting, learning...all kinds of things. It has defiantly been an interesting journey thus far, a bit more stressful then I imagined but all the same good. I feel unbalanced, and in a some-what perpetual state of stress the last few days, and not really finding any way to chill out, or a least worry a little less, and most all of it is social dynamics. Normally I would completly remove myself from any or all emotional drama, esp. concering fairly futile subjects, but this time around i find it very close to home, and also find that I have a desire to address these situations more compassionatly than average. With one particular instance, I feel that alot is expected of me, and esp. in my current postion with everything, I feel that I am doing my best, but people are still getting hurt, and the good work I feel Im doing means little or nothing to the people percieving it around me. Learning to be so open minded, to co-exsist in this way, forgiveness...all of these things take time to learn and institute in your daily life, and damn I feel like Im actually doing a pretty good job keeping up with myself and the world around me, in fact I feel like Im at an all time high for evolving with such a sitaution that is so tender. And at the same time, people are still getting really hurt, and it seems like my attempts to adapt and adjust are pointless to them.
There is a great need for an emotional female support system, and I can facilitate some of that, but at the same time not all(obviously). These women need to reach out to each other, the people they are the most scared about actually asking for help, and support one another in the way they want to be supported. Feminine support is a tricky thing, that most womyn constatly feel they need, and arent getting. Alot of it, I believe revolves in not only being headstrong about exactly what kind of friend you want, and going out to get it...but also working on resolving one's own internal issues with co-dependance, and in-dependance. Once a person knows how they stand on that, then its much easier to see what you want(and need) in a friendship, and you can better understand the ways they can support you. All of this basically comes back around to the main point, which is that without open, truthful communication, alot of things tend to fall apart. People's feelings get hurt, and there is no resolving it because noone is communicating. So strongly I feel this, and so little the communication exsist. Avoiding things may seem like the best way to keep things calm, un-explosive, and also seems like the best way to not start drama, and keep things internally together....but this is not always the case. Sometimes the best course of action is the scariest..and sometimes you have to go for it regardless, because its the right thing to do for yourself, and the people around you. And, even though this last snow, was supposed to be our last, its snowing again right now. What is the deeper significance to this weather?