Jul 03, 2010 11:15
Got my hair cut this morning. Not as short as I'd like because I'm horrible at estimating inches, but a little longer than shoulder and layered and looks nice, so I suppose it's fine. Made friends (or at least better acquaintinces) with Rosa, the woman who cut my hair today, at least, so that was good.
We then went to the library, where I picked up LOTS of new books and returned a few of the old. Lots of biographies, lots of books on codes and Random Walks and what have you. I find it hilarious that in starting to read the book on codebreaking, within the first few pages of the introduction the author referenced a book I knew I had on my bookshelves already-- Helen Gaines' Cryptanalysis. So I've got that out, now, and I'm going to dive back into reading about all of that. I know the book's outdated, but I'd love to get a new grasp of cryptography in the first half of the 20th century. Maybe if I turn out to be a math major, I can go into cryptography myself? I suppose it's all computerized, now.. But on ne sait jamais, n'est-ce pas?
Ate the last of the crêpes for breakfast. My computer fan is making slightly less of a ruckous than it's been making lately, which is nice. Grandma's reading Agatha Christie and Ellory Queen in the next chair over, and I'm going to go back to my books (or maybe some lunch once Mom gets back?).
Though it's grey outside, it's a lovely day. Hopefully Shakespeare won't get called off tonight so that we can go and see Libby's productions in the park. On verra!
Much love,