I'm bored.
And when I'm bored, I bother people who are not bored and who actually have things to do.
Sorry D:<
This post shall be about babies.
Because babies are so darn cute and deserve a post.
Though Anthony's technically not a baby no more... But what the hey. He's still awesome (when he's not jumping up and down on the couch with playdoh in his mouth).
Nate Nate
Imma start with Nate because he's just too cute. Too cute.
He recently got really attached to me because we've been spending so much time with him. He knows how to say my name now (Bow Bow), and he does this awfully adorable high-pitched squeak/squeal thing when he sees me. It breaks me, I tell ya.
Nate's actually quite well-behaved. He has that annoying scream that he lets go when things don't go the way he wants them to, but he stops when you tell him no. Ha, and when that "No, Nate!" thing happens, he scrunches up his face immediately and goes to hug you. This kid really knows how to make use of his endearing charm.
Ah, my boy. He has reached the age when boys start getting jumpy and restless when they sit too still for five minutes. Sigh, why didn't he stay an unmoving toddler for a little while longer?
He's still amazing though. He can talk a lot now, and the things he say cracks me up.
... Gah, I can't remember any right now, but I assure you they're hilarious *gg face*
Oh! He does an epic gg face. It's awesomesauce. I kid you not.
She's the only girl baby in the team since Anne. And Anne was such a long time ago. And even though Zoe doesn't live in China anymore, she takes frequent visits here so cookies to her.
She has the most hypnotizing blue eyes ever. Ever, I tell ya! They're an amazing sky blue, and that wonderful colour is enclosed in a ring of darker blue. Ahhh, what would I give to stare in them forever...
"Fragile flower," as her mother calls out sometimes, is such a perfect phrase to describe her. I'm always afraid that the boys will kick her head or poke her eye with their silly and boisterous antics. It freaks me out sometimes.
She's quite a good girl. She doesn't cry too often and behaves for us. She can talk now, and it's just way adorable when she does. She picks up words quickly and repeats them back to us in her hoarse, low-pitched Zoe voice. Starry just taught her the words man tou today. Zoe said them every time Starry passed her one of those little mantou things and even said it for Jonathan and Sarah *proud parent look*
AND THERE YOU HAS IT. My three amazing kiddos. You just gotta love 'em. Just gotta.
Monmon, I'm sorry you're not in this post. I has little things to say about you, and (to my surprise and horror) I don't have a picture of you yet D:< MY APOLOGIES, AH BOY.