Empty Graves, Chapter Two

Aug 21, 2010 15:54

Title: Empty Graves
Author: rainbowsfics 
Fandom: NCIS
Rating: K
Warnings: N/A
Pairings (if applicable) Ziva/Tony, Jen/Gibbs, Ari/Kate
Character(s) (if applicable) Ziva, Tony
Summary: Ziva David died one year and thirteen days ago. No one found her body. And the evidence? Circumstantial. The bomb? Deadly. Do I think she's alive? You know, right now, I don't know what to think.

poilers: "Kill Ari" and "Frame Up"

Back at NCIS, Abby's lab, Present Day

Abby sat down in her chair. Gibbs' team wasn't currently working any cases, and most of the work she did was for them.

She stood up and walked to her stereo. She had bought a new CD and was eager to hear it.

She pressed 'Play', and music began pouring out.

A Latin-American band named 'Kinky'. Ziva had told her that it was her favorite band on one of their 'Girl's Night Out'.

The Goth chuckled as she remembered that day and Ziva's shocked face at the hot pink pajama's Abby had chosen her to wear.

The smile, however, disappeared as quickly as it came.

Abby had changed the most. This was worst then when Kate died, mostly because of the lack of evidence of her best friend's death.

It was a signal that it was a good day when Abby wore her pigtails.

That wasn't often.

Abby still had the birthday gift she planned to give Ziva. It was stashed away, in an empty cabinet. No one new about it, not even Gibbs.

Ziva was like a sister to Abby, always there for her, always looking out for her.

Even though Ziva was about the same age as Abby, she was always a big sister, one she never had.

Abby sat down again and pulled out a photo album, filled with pictures of Ziva with the team.

She called it 'The Ziva Album'. She would look at it when she was alone, and even though she never told anyone about it, McGee, Tony, and even Gibbs would be caught looking at it.

She sighed as she finished looking at the album, and got up to process evidence that would surely be coming soon.

'I miss you, Ziva'

NCIS Bullpen, McGee's Desk, Present Day

Timothy McGee sighed; it was a long day, a slow one, too.

One year, thirteen days ago, one of his best friends died.

It was his fault, why did she go on that mission?

Why didn't he?

Everyone knew that Jules, Moises, and Remi were one of the most dangerous on the wall of NCIS's most wanted.

He thought back to January 19th, three days before Ziva's death.

January 19, 2009

"McGee, DiNozzo, gear up, you're going undercover." Ordered Gibbs

"What's the case, boss?" persisted Tony

Gibbs turned to him, "Three of the NCIS's most wanted are expecting a deal from two drug dealers, they don't know their names or whet they look like, which is why I need you two to go and lure them out,"

"Um, boss, wouldn't this job be better suited for Ziva, rather than me?" asked McGee

Gibbs stared at him for a moment, "David, DiNozzo, gear up, you're going undercover," he ordered.

McGee groaned as he looked at the pile of reports waiting to be completed.

'I miss you, Ziva'

January 22nd, 2008, NCIS Bullpen, Tony's Desk

Tony stared at Ziva's Desk.

How could she be gone? It was just yesterday that we were joking around, like the good old days.

God, I loved her laugh. I loved the fact that I could make her laugh. I bet if anyone else said the things I said, they wouldn't be around to say them again.

Sometimes I wondered why she stuck through everything with. I never really gave her a reason to, did I?

This time, I wasn't imagining my partner naked.

This time was different. Because this time, I would do anything to switch places with her.

'I miss you, Ziva'

Present day, NCIS, Ducky's lab

Ducky sighed; it was that time of year again, the month that Ziva died.

For once, Ducky was glad he didn't have a body to autopsy that fateful day.

Ziva was like a daughter to him, and her death hit him hard.

Ziva had always come to him for advice, and it touched him to know he trusted him with her susceptibly.

He remembered when Ziva and he fell into the river. "How refreshing! An independent woman!" He had exclaimed.

And for once, Ziva had laughed along with him.

Ducky sighed as he put the last body to rest.

'I miss you, Ziva.'

January 22nd, 2008, NCIS Bullpen, Gibbs's Desk

Damn it. Gibbs frowned, as he chastised himself in his mind.

How could he let this happen? To one of his best agent, no less.

He had been brainless, to let them go without any back up.

How was he going to look at his team, at DiNozzo, at Abby and Ducky?

Gibbs groaned as he ran his fingers through his hair. He owed his life to her, and now she was dead.

She had killed her own brother for him.

"I've killed too many men in my life Ari; it's going to be just as sweet watching you die," He had said as he watched Ari's life drain out of his eyes.

It shouldn't have been her, not his little Ziver.

'I miss you, Ziva."

pairing: ari/kate, pairing: jen/gibbs, title: empty graves, fandom: ncis, pairing: ziva/tony, status: wip, character: jennifer shepard, genre: romance, type: multi-chapter, genre: family, status: hiatus

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