Holy pancakes, batman, I've been tagged by
who_said_bitta! :O
Write a journal entry for this meme with six random facts about yourself. Then pick six off your friends list and tag them - no tag backs. These rules should be included in your entry.
Hmmm...random...-evil laugh-
1. Someday, I'm going to have to get some kind of cosmetic surgery. This is because I have two old burn scars--one round, red one on the inside of my left wrist and one shaped like a pentacle on my upper right arm. They're the result of being stupid when I was in high school (yeah, like that was really that long ago xD), and while I don't mind them since they've been there for a year and a half, I want to get rid of them because people like *poking* them so much. "OMGWTFISTHAT -poke poke-" -.-;
2. I have always loved rainbows. Maybe a hint to my later gheyness and love of yaoi and yuri later in life? xDDD
3. I own over three hundred Barbie dolls. O_O -everyone runs for the hills- This is only because I got like...maybe ten or twelve of them for Christmas and maybe three or five for my birthday every year from when I was about four to when I was twelve. Plus a couple of random ones here and there. I'm telling you, they really add up. xD Of course, half of them are missing their heads, but whatever. >D
4. I love chocolate, and I'll eat just about anything chocolate except for ice cream. For reasons I don't understand, I hate chocolate ice cream. I can't even /look/ at it.
5. At the moment, I should be a nail technician--someone who gives manicures, pedicures, and artificial nails. I took a course at a technical school that would enable me to get a license to do that, but due to major life issues and problems with the school, I never finished the course. Too bad, 'cause there's a lot of money in that profession, and I didn't mind it. Plus, people would always compliment me on my massages. :D I still remember all the stuff I learned, though. Who wants a manicure? xD
6. I swear I have some kind of superhuman immune system, because I very rarely get seriously sick. I get one of those lay-in-bed-and-use-a-box-of-tissues colds /maybe/ once a year, if that. Case in point: For a week, my entire family had a major case of the flu. I didn't once leave the house for this week, and I didn't even get a runny nose. It was awesome. :D I handle physical pain really well, too. Wewt! xD
Hmmm~ I tag...
kazuka_iwasato, and
recyclejlc. I don't think any of you have done this yet...and if you have, whoops. xD