Title: Worst Superpower Ever Rating: PG-13 Length: 1000+ Pairing: Faberry Spoilers: The Substitute. Also, AU for superpowers Summary: Based on this prompt
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SO... True story: I finish class, in which I draw naked people for 3 hours. As I'm leaving the wifi capable building, I turn on my iTouch, notice I have lj notifications, load said notifications, and see the streetcar at the stop. I run to the stop, miss the streetcar, realize you update Chapter 3, squeal in excitement, walk back to the wifi capable building, realize I'm locked out of said building because it's late and I've misplaced my keycard, and whimper due to not being able to read your fic right away. Then I notice it's frigid out, I've piggybacked a random wifi signal, get excited, and attempt to load the chapter. Said signal is faulty and needs fixing. I pout, because I wanna read, finally pull on gloves, and walk back to the streetcar stop.
I then wait impatiently to get on/off the streetcar/subway/bus so I can get home and read the fic. Which I'm doing right now... I just wanted to tell you the epic story first.
That made my life feel like a much better place, since that was totally my first faberry fix all day. And it was a kicker, because, heh, Quinn.
Go Rachel Go!!! :)
P.S. I dunno if it counts, because it was before you posted this chapter, but shyath messaged me wanting in on chapter 4... Would you, as a writer, consider that got up upon? :P Has dibs been called?
I sent them a message about it, hopefully they'll be on soon and see it, so they can get up on that ^_^
And yes, epic story is epic. I was actually incredibly frustrated, because it was very, very cold. and the streetcar ended up being squished-full and the subway was fail, and... ya. But my naked people pictures are getting better, lol
Hah hah, I know, right? What a mental picture that is.
Yeah, I figured that sort of thing wouldn't just slip by without repercussions. I hope to goodness the next chapter involves lots of helpful pamphlets XD
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I then wait impatiently to get on/off the streetcar/subway/bus so I can get home and read the fic. Which I'm doing right now... I just wanted to tell you the epic story first.
:) Can't wait to read it!!!
That made my life feel like a much better place, since that was totally my first faberry fix all day. And it was a kicker, because, heh, Quinn.
Go Rachel Go!!! :)
P.S. I dunno if it counts, because it was before you posted this chapter, but shyath messaged me wanting in on chapter 4... Would you, as a writer, consider that got up upon? :P Has dibs been called?
I know what you mean about the fix thing. If I didn't get mine I'd be one cranky girl.
About the dibs for chapter four; if they still want to go for it after reading my chapter, then for sure! They's all up on that! XD
And yes, epic story is epic. I was actually incredibly frustrated, because it was very, very cold. and the streetcar ended up being squished-full and the subway was fail, and... ya. But my naked people pictures are getting better, lol
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Yeah, I figured that sort of thing wouldn't just slip by without repercussions. I hope to goodness the next chapter involves lots of helpful pamphlets XD
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