fuck a bunch of that

Oct 08, 2006 14:17

why did i have to fall in love with such a dickweed? seriously? what the fuck is wrong with me. and now i'm here, and he's there. to be in love with a dream that doesn't exist or perhaps never did. i keep thinking this is some bad dream i will wake up from, but no. this is real and i haev to face it.i tried for like 3 weeks not to go back to that apartment. too many memories, but eventually i kinda had to. mom annoyed me and so i went back. woulda stayed but the freakin' fleas are so bad. i'll keep tryin to get rid of them and stay with nik and cassandra til then. mom moves out monday! so rock on! i'm pretty happy about that, now rob can stay the night over here until i can go back to my house. once again, i was woken up at 6 am by the babies. i need to change their schedule or something. at least i finally got their storage all paid off. thanks to no one but me. i didn't have to borrow the money or anything, just used my check. it didn't leave very much, but sometimes ya gotta make sacrifices.

shanna and i went down there the day before yesterday to get some of it out. my god he packed it all weird. everything was stacked all crazy and i had to balance myself like 6 feet in the air and then climb all the way down to get my caboodle. that took awhile! i thought i was gonna get severely hurt like 15 times. but luckily, (some assholes would say unluckily) i wasn't. i'm going into nursing in the spring so i can have that nice car i want. and then after i graduate that program, i'll have a way to go to wvu and go into zoology. that is my plan. my serious goal for my life.

anything is better than what i have right now. right now i have squat. lol the babies will be 1 next month. i can't believe it. they don't look 1 year yet. it's weird to see them try to walk as short as they are. it cracks me up. and violet makes this crazy face now, i don't know where she learned it but it's great. olivia has become a chunker! violet's finally almost as big. i painted their toe nails yesterday in hopes to tell them apart. violet's are-you guessed it-purple. and olivia's are hot pink and glittery. it's cute. and then i did my own. yeah, it was an odd day. was asked out but said no cause i have a boyfriend, and while we're not like serious or in love or anything like that, i do like him. it would be wrong to fuck him over in that way. i'm just takin things slow right now. i don't need another dramatic situation on my hands to worry about right now.

i have too many other things in my life to worry about. oh yes, and going to sign up for HUD and get a nice ass house for me and the babies. it would be cool. i'm gonna go cause they're crying and i don't know why.
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