It's been so long

Aug 30, 2011 10:38

Dear Journal,

It's been such a long time since I've last posted on LJ. Looking back, re-tweeting aside, the last post was 05/02. Almost half a year ago. Nope, I didn't abandon my LJ, just that I felt that I didn't have any substantial materials to post on my LJ that would arouse people's interest.

Many has asked me if I'm still using my LJ, I replied, Yes, I'm still using LJ as a platform to read about my friends and their updates.

Just a quick update, as many of you have know that I've taken up a regional position that allows me to travel to mainly SEA, HK, TW and Korea. And in this 6months, I've been really travelling extensively, so much so that I've gotten my frequently flyer and several hotel priority guest membership before I gotten my official confirmation. That's just part of the perks of regional position, to some it might be glamourous, but honestly, the travelling really saps a lot of energy and it can be very tiring on many occasions.

On the up side, I've gotten to know lots of friends from many different regions, mainly from Hong Kong, Taiwan and Korea. And of course shopping, and buying things from places where it's cheaper or unique.

Anyway, let me just put a haul here, and will try to post as many updates as possible.

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