From Twitter 05-10-2011

May 11, 2011 03:08

  • 06:54:49: RT @LeticiaBongnino: Even Google knows..
  • 08:55:06: CNA discussion this morning. Placenta for radiant skin. Lolz! I wonder what is the effect of sem... , opps... I meant serum...
  • 09:15:00: Ladies and Gentlemen, hand luggage that cannot be stowed will have to be checked in now. NO! Don't check me inB
  • 09:31:36: Raining on the big golden bird... Lolz
  • 09:38:08: @ IchthysNix SIA is pride as the golden bird as per their previous commercial
  • 13:53:00: @ IchthysNix @kennyboyboy SKII is like the last line of defense... Once SKII is employed, its like a going to a land of no return!
  • 14:18:41: The bloody rain this morning cause "seat belt sign on" for half an hour. Now I'm feeling the heat from HK
  • 23:39:44: 生氣鳥 and 豬頭

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