theres a lot i could say about this blog. a lot. but the one thing i want you to hear above all else is this:
don't forget what jeremy showed you by calling you sobbing. don't forget that you need to do something about the things that are getting you down, because that is what me and probably everybody else you have talked to about any of this have been trying to tell you all along, but as we all know, you are the type of person who has to figure things out for herself. i told you a million times that doing as much ecstasy as you were was gonna end badly, but you didn't believe anyone until you figured it out for yourself. thats not meant to be condescending at all, its just how you are. its how i am too.
there's a lot i could say about jeremy, because i think in a way i understand him better than i should, considering him and i have never been "friends", and have only had a semi-deep conversation maybe twice in our lives, but there won't be much point in me saying it. i'm sure after hearing me talk about ben and analyze is crazy capricorn bullshit, you could guess what i was gonna say anyway. they are a lot alike, i think.
i agree but you know that im stubborn and i have to learn on my own. idk, i love jeremy to death but having the tables turned on me really showed me that i needed to pick myself up and get on with this life instead of holding onto the past.
i get what youre saying. and theres so much more that can be said.
but im moving on, and im starting to feel happy about it. its going to take some time, but you know ill get the hang of it!
and yes, i know you understand capricorns better than anyone. =P
don't forget what jeremy showed you by calling you sobbing. don't forget that you need to do something about the things that are getting you down, because that is what me and probably everybody else you have talked to about any of this have been trying to tell you all along, but as we all know, you are the type of person who has to figure things out for herself. i told you a million times that doing as much ecstasy as you were was gonna end badly, but you didn't believe anyone until you figured it out for yourself. thats not meant to be condescending at all, its just how you are. its how i am too.
there's a lot i could say about jeremy, because i think in a way i understand him better than i should, considering him and i have never been "friends", and have only had a semi-deep conversation maybe twice in our lives, but there won't be much point in me saying it. i'm sure after hearing me talk about ben and analyze is crazy capricorn bullshit, you could guess what i was gonna say anyway. they are a lot alike, i think.
idk, i love jeremy to death but having the tables turned on me really showed me that i needed to pick myself up and get on with this life instead of holding onto the past.
i get what youre saying.
and theres so much more that can be said.
but im moving on,
and im starting to feel happy about it.
its going to take some time,
but you know ill get the hang of it!
and yes,
i know you understand capricorns better than anyone.
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