Welcome Back

Mar 29, 2005 11:50

Okay So I know im a day late at this... but... WELCOME BACK everyone! :) sigh! Spring break is over and after careful review I realized.. I didn't do too much of awnyhting productive. I thought I did but when looking back..i realized i was just lieing to myself. Yesterday morning came around.. i had a test at 9 am. Failed lovingly. :(.. But the end of the night made up for it. POKER NIGHT! YAY!:) It was alot of fun. Everyone just chillen and having a good time. Its a nice idea so we all can acutally see each other besides teh 5 minutes we do while going to class. Nothing really too new with me. Im not tan, havent had drinks on the beach, or worn cute bikini's around on the sand. Im head sweatshirt and workboots.. like teh good lil lesbian i am! :(.. anyways everythign else seems to be going okay. Im kinda in a weird mood. Well not really me but im just going off of other vibes. I dunno maybe its the weather. Kinda crappy as of monday morning!:( .. oh well who knows soon it will pick up im sure. Everyone goes through their lulls in life. :) Anyways .. im really into the drawing a happy face at the end of every sentence mood. But yeah other than that. i am going to go and sit through the most BORING class in LIFE!:)

Yup ... thats it!
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