Love Letters Sring exchange for Minuiko

Apr 10, 2010 21:45

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Dearest Alfred,

I thought of you today, when I was taking a walk outside my house. I saw a bird with feathers almost the same color as your eyes. I say almost because very few things are colored as bright a blue as your eyes. You are truly a rarity. I have never met anyone as optimistic as you, and even though your antics can be trying at times your youthful energeticness is always refreshing. You make life seem just a bit more bearable when it seems there is no hope and everyone else has been corrupted by the hardships of days long gone. I have been cruel to you before, as have most others we know but perhaps one of your most redeeming qualities is your ability to accept us none the less. Even though I do not show it, I really do appreciate your seemingly never ending ability to make light of almost any situation. The world needs you, even if they do not want to admit it. You have your flaws, we all do, but besides all this you still manage to make something of yourself.

You are beautiful, even the gritty parts of you, the parts you are ashamed of. I love them all, long for the day when you will show them to me and I can admire them along with the parts of you you love to show. Sometimes I think you are like a cat with big entrancing eyes and a shiny coat, but still hiding the instinct to fight and the grayish dull undercoat you have to keep you warm, and these parts are admirable as well. You have your scars too, just as the rest of us and this only makes you better. For you I send my love, and await the next time I will see you. Until then I leave you my kitten.

Alfred read the letter over again, heaving out something that fell somewhere in between a harsh sigh and a grunt. Matthew’s search had been just as fruitful as his own, even though he had always been the better one at conniving plans and using mind tricks to draw things out of people. Alfred was straight forward, in his mind, if you had something to say you should just go out and say it. He wished he could find out who it was that had been sending the letters. His hand went to the friendship bracelet around his wrist. He wondered if the sender knew what it meant in America, knew that it was something you made for you closest friends and lovers since once you put it on you could never take it off or you would not be able to reattach it.

The meeting was starting again and he would have to pay more attention. Slipping the letter into the back of his folder he got up and started making his way to the meeting room. As it turned out, Antonio’s typewriter was at the shop for some much needed repair, and Toris didn’t even have one anymore. He had lent it to Ivan a few years back and never asked for it to be returned, he tended to avoid the Russian when he could these days. Alfred really didn’t know where to look anymore. It would take him until the end of the meeting to make any leeway at all.

It had all been accidental really. Alfred had bumped into Ivan while packing up his things and couldn’t be bothered with starting anything so he simply apologized quietly and started off to find his brother and formulate a new plan.

“An apology? And with no scathing remark attached? How very unlike you, maybe Alfred has finally grown some brains, da?” came a teasing voice from behind him. Alfred let out an aggravated sigh, spinning around to face the taller man.

“Whatever dude, I don’t even care anymore. I have better things to do than fight with you”

“Is that because you know you would lose?” Alfred frowned.

“Hey! I would not. I could kick your ass any day of the week and you know it.” He called out with a pout. Ivan chuckled, a smirk pulling at the corners of his mouth.

“Is that so?”

“Damn right it is bastatrd.”

“I thought you said you were not going to fight with me, hm?”

“That was before you started being an asshole!”

“And yet you get riled up so quickly!”

“Fuck you!”

“What a clever response. I am deeply wounded, really.” Alfred let out an exasperated sound that rose up from the back of his throat. “I’m sorry. It seems I have upset the kitten.” Ivan continued to tease. Alfred froze, looking up at him with a start, and that was when he realized what he had done.

“Wha-what did you just say?” his voice was quite, searching. By now the rest of the nations had returned to their hotel rooms or gone out to drink, trying to chase the stiffness from their shoulders and the boredom from their minds and the two had been left alone. “Did y-you just call me Kitten?” Ivan had flinched, tried to play it off.

“Of course not. Do not flatter yourself, I called you a cretin. Are you deaf as well as dumb?” But Alfred knew what he had heard. Toris had lent his typewriter to Ivan. It made scenes now.

“It was you who sent me the letters…” His voice was barely over a whisper.

“I don’t know what you are talking about. I have not sent you any lett-” “thank you.” And suddenly Alfred was standing on the tips on his toes and the other’s lips were on his own, soft and full and warm and Ivan couldn’t help but let his hands slip over the younger nations hips and pull him closer. The kiss broke and Alfred looked up at him, uncertainty swimming in his round blue eyes. They kissed again, slowly, testing the waters. And again, longer this time. The thought vaguely crossed Alfred’s mind that Ivan tasted of vodka and cheep cigarettes. He wanted to giggle. How predictable. The Russian’s mouth moved along the edge of his jaw and down his throat, leaving a wet trail a nipps and kisses. Alfred gasped into the others hair, throwing one arm around his neck and having the other slip inside the older nation’s pants. He started rubbing and kneading at the older nations hardening member. This would not be the first time they had slept together, but certainly they had not done so since the end of the First World War, and all that had been was a number of loosely strung together one night stands. Ivan pressed up into Alfred’s touch leaning in closer until the younger was flush against his chest and the edge of the table bit into the small of his back.

“Mnnnnh, ah!” Alfred moaned out as Ivan’s gloved hand slipped inside his jeans to return the favor. They rubbed and bucked up against each other, heat pooling in the pits of their stomachs until they came, coating the other’s hand in their sticky mess. Alfred panted against the others broad shoulder, trying to catch his breath.

“N-next time you wanna be a complete sweetheart just tell me in person and save me the trouble of running like a madman trying to figure out who it is.” He said into the side of Ivan’s neck. The older nation chuckled.

“But kitten~ that’s half the fun!” neither of them noticed that half way through their interactions Matthew had slipped into the room looking for Alfred and now stood red faced in the corner glad for once that he had such an uncanny ability to remain invisible…

And it's done! haha finally! its for Minuiko for the spring exchange. hope you liked it!
btw if you don't know what friendship bracelet i'm talking about its this
i used to have one my friend made me before i moved and you can never take it off, you have to wear it in the shower and everything because if you ever take it off you cant put it back on since you cut the extra string hanging off
mine broke though :'(

fanfiction, ivan, america, hetalia, alfred, russia, aph

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