(no subject)

Mar 01, 2005 17:48

* movie you rented ] i believe it was donnie darko directors cut
* movie you bought ] my family bought ray so that would be it
* song you listened to ] some lindsay lohan song haha
* song that was stuck in your head ] nsync-tearin up my heart
* cd you bought ] jem
* cd you listened to ] the juliana theory
* person you've called ] sarah
* person that's called you ] sarah
* tv show you've watched ] the o.c....all i watch haha

* you have a crush on someone ] fo sho
* you wish you could live somewhere else ] california might be fun!
* you think about suicide ] nope
* you believe in online dating ] thats soo gross
* others find you attractive ] who knows..i'm not them
* you want more piercings ] my nose
* you like cleaning ] nope its boring
* you like roller coasters ] YES! fun fun fun!
* you write in cursive or print ] print all the time

* song ] tv eyes- shes a study
* things to do ] hang out with friends and have a good time
* thing to talk about ] anything..i dont really have a favorite
* sports ] football to watch and swimming/flags to do
* foods ] chocolate MMMMM
* restaurants ] red robin and olive garden
* drinks ] carmel frappucinos
* clothes ] i like jeans and fun shirts
* stores ] american eagle maybe....hard to say
* movies ] lord of the rings trilogy!
* band/singer ] too hard to pick..soo many to love
* holiday ] christmas

* ever been in a fist fight ] no...i fight with my brother sometimes tho haha
* ever been arrested ] nope
* shampoo do you use ] herbal essences
* shoes do you wear ] flip flops!!!
* are you scared of ] SPIDERS TIMES 10000
* of hearts i have broken? ] i dont know...none probably
* of people i would classify as true, could trust with my life type friends? ] hmm like 4 maybe
* of people i consider my enemies? ] no one really but there is one that comes close
* of times my name has appeared in the newspaper?] probably none..im just not cool enough
* of scars on my body? ] wow lots

* funny ] no
* friendly ] most of the time
* amusing ] haha maybe
* loveable ] ya sometimes
* caring ] sometimes

3 things i am doing right now
[1] listening to ashlee simpson
[2] talking on the phone
[3] typing

top 3 negative things about me
[1] my attitude is not the most positive one
[2] i can be annoying and lazy
[3] im really self concious and degrading to myself sometimes

top 3 positive things about me
[1] i work hard
[2] i avoid conflict
[3] i dont lie

top 3 things i can't do
[1] rollerskate
[2] iceskate
[3] sing well

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