(no subject)

Jan 12, 2005 19:31

hmm today was relly eesy at skool:

homeroom:pretty borin same old
1st per: TA borin!
2nd period:PE...i luv wut wer doin ...its called like Tinnekal? its where yu hav to stiks and 2 peeple r holdin the ends and bangin them togetha and sum1 is jumpin in n out uf it.
3rd per: HISTORY...it was eesy....we just did group work...but sum1 evil stole rubens fone so it was a little hectic.
4th per: MATH....vanessa was bein a dork like usual....wo! my day was very borin
5th per: Science....hahaha the best class of the day. we had to draw this picture and i drew it relly bad! then we talked bout marcus :) lol. it was a funn class
6th per: ENGLISH....woo hoo! funn! we gotta right an essay!!yay...lol. afta skool was kool though.

aww poor joe...we wer on da bus and he was late and wen he came he just left cuz he thought the bus left...but we wer rite there and he didnt see us...it was funny but sad. then mikey and jon wer makin fun of me cuz i was a dumb blonde...but im not relly blonde any more.

it was fun as usual. yay we getta go to vegas next weeekend!!woohoo. today adina was bein a dork as normal and i was joinin her. then at the end of our dance amanda is supposed to push a few of us over and it was relly funny...but then i actually fell and it hurt! im a dork! then andrew is keep sayin austin wants to hook up with me...uhhh i dont relly no him. its prob not tru anyway...andrew always says stupid stuuff like that

wel....not much hw yaya! ttyl <3
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