Just One Word
Hi I'm back! Sorry for being MIA :p I've been busy with school exams and in my blinkie comm ;3
this profile is soooo simple~ but where are the credit part?
Muahaha; when you use it; hover your mouse to each words,
it's all connected to a link! (include the credit stuff)
The credit for the photo is in "of" word and credit to me (or so
rainbowline) is in "you"
You may change the place but don't erase it! Kay?♥
anyway; I will make other banners for this profile; will be posted in next entries :]
meh I don't see anyone interested in this profile code; so I didn't make it~
You may edit it as far as you like, just don't forget to credit me and the photo owner!
The codes :
enjoy! :]♥