Its over and we are home

May 10, 2006 11:48

We are home, and Allanah is doing amazingly well. They told us to expect her to be fussy and tired and uncoordinated. Not my kid. As soon as they got her to wake up, she was up and rearing. Her voice is a bit scratchy, but other than that she is back to being Allanah.

Preliminary results were WONDERFUL. The reflux isnt causing any permanent damage, no ulcers, or esophageal damage. The prevacid is doing its job.

No anatomical malformations, no swollen sphincters. Everything is great. YAY for a healthy baby. She just has reflux. And somedays it makes her miserable and shes tiny. But SO!!! What. Everything else looks good.

So we keep her on the prevacid, and keep going the way we are. I'm feeling relieved and very happy

The Devos situation was okay. Not perfect but it could have been worse. I think the Intensivist who did Allanah's sedation, was Alex's doctor in the ICU. He looked very familiar to me.

The nurse who numbed Allanah for the IV was the only real down side, she didnt look at her veins, just numbed the general areas on one arm. Well unlucky for Allanah, she had NO good veins in that arm. So they tried twice there and once on her other arm. Her left arm had a very visible easily accessible vein. Too bad it wasnt numb.

But overall my baby did very well. A lot of crying, but she sat still, and didnt fight too much.

When she fell asleep, and they were trying to lay her down and put the monitors on was the worst part for me. She was "posturing" which means that she was arching her back, and jerking. This is VERY scary to see. Probably even more so for me because I know that it is often a sign of brain injury. Something I have seen enough times to recognize. The doctor was like "oh she's just trying to get comfortable." Once i said something like "shes posturing" he stopped with that line of explanation. He knew I knew what I was seeing. I felt like my heart stopped. But the nurses in the room were wonderful and they and Eric did a good job of reassuring me. I didnt break down and cry, even though I came close a few times.

Being back in that hospital was very hard for me. Too many memories, all came rushing back from Alex's last stay.

But we are home and I feel much better now that it is over. Thank you all for your prayers and thoughts
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