Life and stuff

Aug 05, 2005 11:20

Hmmm....well im at school and they want me to be here another two hours doing nothing so I thought I would post. Haha. Nothing better to do. That is definitely the only time I check this thing. Sorry people but its the truth.
I had my cardiovascular final and Im not very happy with my score. Lots of people would be but I am not. I got an 86. AND I studied. Blah. I made some really stupid mistakes and it annoys me. And I changed my answers when I shouldn't have. I hate when people do better than me. Blah. Im way too competitive and not driven enough to study harder to get the better grades. I could have studied last night but instead I cuddled with Eric and watched TV and played BKR. THe only studying I did was in class with my classmates. BAD me. I still should have an A in the class though, so I guess I wont be too bummed about it. JUST blah. And getting A's just will never be more important than spending time with the two people I love and just want to spend all my time with. Eric and Allanah of course. I just need to stop expecting perfection from myself. The first semester I breezed through never opening my books and got all A's. This time I have all A's and one B. That B is BS, but I wont get into all the details of why. Essentially my instructor didn't like me and took away three points on a huge assignment for NO reason. Even ONE of those points would of given me an A, but NO. I get a 90% which is a B. I just hope cardio is still over all an A. Neuro, Im gonna have to make flash cards for or something, because I know he will ask questions on stuff he NEVER went over just like he did on this final. That is another thing I am just not used too.
Hmmm what else. Things over all are really good. Eric and I have been together almost 6 months. It will be 6 months on the 14th. I can't believe it. Its been great too, sometimes we argue all couples do, but its never yelling and screaming and freaking out on each other. Its just an argument. Thats awesome. Hes sooo good with Allanah to, and she loves him to death. She will cuddle him and hug and kiss him the moment she sees him. Last night he took her out to dinner without me. That was a first, except in my crisis situation with Alex before we were dating. He took her out to dinner with Aunt Tina. Which is good. Im sure Tina was happy to see her even if Allanah had forgotten her.
Hmmm what else. My brothers graduation party is on Sat. I am SOOOO very proud of him. He went back and got his GED. GOOOO Jeremy. I have sooo much respect for my brother and the man he has become. Hes a wonderful Daddy, and now this. I cant believe how responsible he has become. I had my doubts when he was younger but he is quite an amazing man.
Soon I hope to get new pics of all my nephews and I can post em if anyone wants to see. They are soo cute. I need to change the pic of Eric and Allanah too but I don't have a new one yet. If Eric comes to church on Sun then I will try to get pics of them both all dressed up. OOOOH Sat would be a good day for pics of all the kids since we will all be together.
I guess thats it
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