Jun 25, 2004 15:52
Hmm.. Okay well I was just sitting here thinking about friendships and once again it popped up into my head, the thing about Carley..
I really don't understand how I could of been there more for her, or how I could of done anything better- because I tried my best to be a good friend.. She just never really gave me the time of day.. And that hurts my feelings.. We hung out a few times, and those were fun for me.. I just don't understand why I was just washed out completely of her mind. I was there whenever she needed, I picked her up in the middle of the night if she was stuck..
I even made my relationship a little hard with Lindsey because I valued the relationship with Carley, I understood when carley was irritated with Lindsey and tried to help her understand why maybe Lindsey did those things.. Whenever Carley needed me for anything I was there. When her current boyfriend didn't know whether he wanted to be with her or not, I was there when she cried.. I even talked to him and tried to make him realize why he should be with her.. Because she is a great girl... He realized that and they are still together..
We use to hang out and have fun then that all changed, not I don't even get recognized whenever I am around.> And I don't know why. If Lindsey did something, I get blamed for it.. And it is almost like she is trying to ruin me and Lindsey, when all I ever did was try and get their relationship back to normal.. Like Carley told me she wanted. But that doesn't matter.. I just want to know what I did so wrong, I tried to be a good friend .. I cared about her when nobody else did.. Like when she had this big gash in her head- I was the one that was there putting peroxide on it.. and cleaning it out..
Help someone make me understand.. Why when I feel I have a friend.. They always just up and leave like everyone else in my life..