My roommate is eating chips and the food noises are making me homicidal (and I could go downstairs like I usually do and hang out with
isjusterin, but I need to call my parents, which is not producing any happy feelings either), SO HERE IS A MEME.
Give me a pairing and I will tell you
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what is their favorite non-sexual activity -- Gardening! Ivy is a hardcore gardener, and I'm pretty sure she managed to suck Ken into it and ruin his life. :P
who uses all the hot water in the morning -- I'm going to say Ivy, just because she is heavily into physical indulgence kind of things. She'd be the kind of person to run a bath and just soak for an hour, so I'm sure she likes her showers hot and long.
what they order from take out -- Chinese. It's sort of a running joke.
what is the most trivial thing they fight over -- Who gets to do the tax returns.
who does most of the cleaning -- Ken, ha.
what has a season pass in their DVR -- Good question. I think Ivy's a big fan of X-Files, but of course that's not on TV any more. They probably watch Food Network religiously, incidentally.
who controls the netflix queue -- Ivy.
who calls up the super/landlord when the heat’s not working -- Whoever's home at the time. They're both pretty good about that.
who steals the blankets -- Gotta be Ivy.
who leaves their stuff around -- IVY.
who remembers to buy the milk -- Ken. Ivy goes to the grocery for milk and comes home with everything but.
who remembers anniversaries -- Both of them. And they go out for dinner and a movie or opera and then come home and have amazing sex.
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