Got my Yuletide assignment yesterday. It's pretty cool and I think there is a lot of potential in it, and I think I also can do a good job with it -- certain elements of it weird me out, but the prompter gave me a lot to work with so I think I leave some things out while still giving them what they want. So I am excited!
I go home to-day for Thanksgiving, so I'll be scarce for the next week.
A presenter in my cog psych class used
this page about art by autistic people in his presentation, and I thought that was pretty neat, so here is the link. It is pretty cool from both an art and a mental shenanigans standpoint. (I also ended up talking about the gender issues surrounding autism with the professor after class, which was pretty neat -- she agreed with
mhari and said that autism is generally viewed as a "boy's disorder" and not something girls are supposed to get.)
Octopodes can go on land and that is totally awesome. Plus also super cute.
Although we already knew that,
Ann Coulter is a maniac and I don't understaaaand, Jesus. I don't want to live on this planet any more? Liz said I should move to Canada, but I feel it is my duty to model sane Christianity for people in America.
I am currently using
this programme to try and manage my issues with computer light = migraines; I've only had it downloaded for a day, so I haven't got a real clear idea of how well it works yet, but it's an interesting idea.
This tumblr exists and it is pretty pro -- Ugly Renaissance Babies.
A really interesting essay/article on why "born this way" is a bad argument for queerness.
This guy is my hero -- a devout Muslim whose faith led him to try to save the man who shot him. I heard an interview with him on NPR on Sunday -- he was really incredible. Warning: Article contains pictures of headshot.
For your webcomic organising needs,
piperka is a great site for tracking updates and keeping stuff neat.
Finally, when you have just delivered a good Caruso zinger,
the instant CSI. Yeahhhhh!