Oct 01, 2011 01:55
Does anybody have any tips for talking to NGOs on the phone? I need to call Human Rights Watch and Women for Women International to see if I can get interviews with certain of their staff, and I'm really nervous about the correct protocol for doing this.
I'm a big baby, yes.
I am really scared I'm going to offend somebody and get blacklisted for-ever. >_>
On the plus side, Jen said she would drive me to this beekeeping thing to-morrow that I promised to help with, so YAY, and I already got a tonne of my homework done so now I am just going to read my religion pdfs and then curl up and go to sleep. Arrgh I still have to write a proposal for Cog.Psych though.
Trying to be a competent student/human being always intimidates me at the same time it makes me feel really good and grown-up. I shudder to think what's going to happen when I become a graduate student.
On the other hand, I talked with my advisor about how I want to do hospice pastoral care, possible to the exclusion of actually having a congregation someday, and he seemed really positive about my ability to do that (I said that I didn't want to have a congregation until I was a LOT more experienced, and he said that was a mature outlook, so :D I'm mature! ha).
Sometimes I feel like this year/lifetime/last grasp at irresponsible undergrad-dom is going by really fast.
i am useless fix stuff for me,
i hate organising things,
horrifying awkward nonsense,
tres stressee lol,
dear livejournal,
i am ocd kthnx,
having friends is so cool