"And We'll Teach All the Babies this Tune..."

Nov 05, 2010 19:38

You guys I do not want to brag but since I so rarely feel this way I think it is okay to say: I look fucking amazing to-day.

I am wearing rainbow striped socks in gorgeous rich autumn colours, and I found a bracelet that is the actual match to the necklace mhari bought me the first time I visited here--I think they are actually supposed to be a set, which is crazy, because I got the bracelet last week at a random thrift store. It is blue and sparkly and has glass butterflies and flowers and an identical chain and clasp and colour to the necklace. SO COOL. I had to buy it, even though it was a little pricey, because it was so awesome to have a bracelet that went with that necklace! And I am wearing the blue and silver earrings that mhari made me.

And I have on a black lace-edged tank top with a black button-down men's shirt, only the shirt has pinstripes sewn into it with sparkly black thread. And my skirt is from Coldwater Creek, only I got it at the same thrift store where I found my bracelet for only seven dollars! Which is more than I'd pay for a skirt, usually (I prefer under five), but it was so beautiful and the original price tag said 118 dollars, so I didn't feel that bad. It is deep rich brown with alternate panels of gauze taffeta and silk, and the panels are embroidered with flowers and vines in thread, copper ribbon, copper sequins, copper beads, copper-brown silk, and the occasional flower-shaped copper charm. It is so gorgeous. And it floats when I spin around.

And it happens that just the shape of everything I am wearing actually makes my body look all right, and my hair is super cute to-day, and my skin is relatively clear for once, and I feel really, really pretty. And this is after I had ice cream with Mama! So that's really good for me, I'm really delighted, actually.

Also, you should know that I am researching sex with octopodes (a la the Dream of the Fisherman's Wife and others) for an actual school project. If you know me very well, then you know that makes my life just about perfect right now.

edit post scriptum: a girl on my hall just came and invited me over for cake! :D :D :D

i am beautiful, mhari, some days are better than lovers, sex, cephalopods, skirt porn

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