Of a lot of things, actually, including our cats, our farm, my jellyfish collection, and Hallowe'en. To name but a few!
Stuff from summer:
This is Whitey, my favourite guinea.
We built a swing!
We also went to Tennessee!
And grew garlic..!...?
Some of these eggs actually hatched. The rest went maggoty.
This is the Tribble. She likes dishwashers, and when we first got her she was quite small.
I buried Maria in oats!
Duelling at the Adirondacks Museum. I have a sheep shearer, she has a hog scraper.
Also, fish.
In Tennessee, I took many pictures of things that dwell in water.
In Tennessee I also hugged raccoons.
During the summer I visited
P.s. more guineas.
In which I stand in a lake.
Also, my Italian Ice had moons in it.
Leaves at school!
My entries for Pinwheels for Peace.
THIS is Mabon. He is a doll.
Also, we have pigs. At least until Friday.
Michelle was an acid trip of Alice in Wonderland. Sergio was Ensign Ricky. :D