
Apr 26, 2006 09:57

I have so many things to write about last weekend that I don't know where to begin.

Actually, let me start by saying that we have absolutely amazing friends, and we couldn't have done everything without you. Me love all of you long time.

Thursday and the first half of Friday were crazy with preparations. We got to the hotel around 1pm on Friday afternoon, but then still had to make the food runs. By the time we got back, twoofdtm and eternalmaiden had arrived, and decorating of the rooms commenced. Amanda was an amazing help and did practically everything with the suite so that I could accomplish things I needed to and not completely freak out. It was realized that Dan had forgotten to pack the cord for the fondue fountain and his tux shirt, so Frank and Gary were sent out to get things. dasboi was amazing and rubbed my back for a long time to calm me down. Thank you so much honey, I needed it! Around 6, both of our families showed up and met for the first time. We all finished getting ready, and headed down to the ballroom. The ceremony was absolutely beautiful, and it couldn't have gone any better. I had been so nervous that Dan's mom was going to do something mean, but she didn't, so that made me very happy. She in fact actually hugged and kissed me afterwards!
After Johnny finished taking pictures, we headed back up to the suite for the reception party. We had 2 big trays of sammiches from Jimmy John's, and a beautiful and very delicious cake made by alfiesgal. It was so nice to see all of the people that were able to make it out for the occasion. I've been having fun reading the guestbook pages you all made! At 9 it was time for lukeski's concert, so everybody headed down for that. He did an entire set of songs that Dan and I picked out, and it was totally great. I even got to do Devo Spice's part in Peter Parker! After his set was over, we headed back up to the room again to spend time with people. Eventually, our parents left and we got changed back into comfy clothes and headed down to watch the Buffy musical. After that was over, we went back up to the room and opened all of the lovely presents! Thank you thank you thank you! Everything was totally awesome. By the time we finished doing that, both of us were in desperate need of sleep, so we said good night to everyone and went to bed.

On Saturday we brought my family down to Ypsi/A2 to show them our apartment and take them out to lunch. Mmmmm.... Joe's Crab Shack... They left around 2, and after picking up a few things from home, we headed back up to the hotel. Megan and I decided to go to the stuffed animal tea party, and I had brought my little dog Cutesey for the occasion. Everybody was very impressed that Cutesey is 20 years old and in such good shape! She even still has her Gund tag, although it is worn. She enjoyed herself thoroughly. :) After that, it was time to get Dan ready for the masquerade. We were running a bit late, and by the time I got changed and went down there, I had missed his performance! I was pretty mad that I missed it, but at least he won the award for "Best Recreation". We went to the Elven Toast, where we got quite toasty and were given loads of ribbons. After that we went back up to the room to order food, and Megan and I had some Sis Talk. By the time we finished talking, it was nearly midnight, and Dan had fallen completely asleep on the couch. We made him comfy and went swimming with Gary. When we got back, we were totally freezing, so we filled up the jacuzzi tub in our room and got in. (You will now note my new icon of me and Megan in the bathtub!) After we were all warm and toasty in pjs, that's when things started getting crazy. LOL We decided to re-enact "Smoosh TV" from Sifl & Olly, so we smooshed a piece of wedding cake and some strawberries on the big windows. I of course wrote Stv in the icing of the cake. Then we decided since Dan was so soundly asleep, we'd draw stuff on him. I gave him a curly moustache, slanted eyebrows, devil horns, kitty whiskers, and wrote stuff on his arm and back. He didn't wake up through the whole thing! It was so hilarious! Until he woke up, Frank, Gary, Megan, and I all had some fun taking pictures and being rowdy. We finally all got to bed around 4.

On Sunday we woke up around 10, and Megan and I went to practice with Carrie for Luke's show. Noon was his show, and we performed as his cheerleaders in "The Gr8 Luke Ski" and Carrie, Megan, and I performed "Sex Kittens From Mars" in our kitty costumes. After that was over, it was time to clean up and pack the room so we would be out by checkout time. Yes, we cleaned up the stuff we smooshed on the windows. We left around 4 and went home. On the way home, we discovered that Megan's car was having muffler issues, so she ended up staying until yesterday morning to get it fixed before she went home. Yay for my Sis getting to stay 2 extra days!

cons, wedding, penguicon

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