(no subject)

Dec 27, 2005 10:06

We had a very nice holiday. Got to see my brother, Greg, and his girlfriend, which is always really awesome. I sang a solo on Xmas Eve in church, and Greg played handbells and then went up to sing the Hallelujah Chorus with me!

As far as presents, we got lots of good kitchen-y stuff from my parents (12 place settings of silverware, a mixer, and a toaster), the music books for both Hedwig and Spamalot, a Beatles cd from Jon, and from Greg, Dan got a Mars Volta shirt and I got monkey slippers. Yes, MONKEY slippers. *cries* He somehow forgot that I'm deathly afraid of monkeys, or somehow thought I wouldn't be scared of them since they're the Evil Monkey from Family Guy. Yeah... Oh well. Dan and my mom said at least these are monkeys I can step on and kick into walls. LOL My gifts for Dan were ordered kinda late and are in the mail, so we haven't done our exchange yet. Hopefully they'll be here in the next few days.

I'm rediculously proud of myself because I made some of the best stuffing EVER for dinner. I've never made it completely by myself. Except for the bread crumbing. Dan and Sandi helped with that. :) It turned out soooooo good. We also had a good time teasing each other because my mom asked who was gonna bone the chicken. ROFLMAO We told her that she shouldn't say that, and should say de-bone instead. She didn't understand why. LOL How did a person like me come out of such innocence? ;)

Hope you all had a great Holiday, whichever you celebrate. May His Noodly Appendage have touched you and yours.

Now, who's up for some New Years partyin'? :)

holidays, rents, xmas, family

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