Huge Fucking Rant

Sep 21, 2005 14:55

So I've been trying to get my driver's license switched to MI. Seems like a simple thing to do, right? WRONG. DEAD FUCKING WRONG.

The first time I went to the SoS office, I took the same things that I took when I got my PA license. Apparently absolutely none of those things would work for ID in MI, so the guy gave me a list of things that I *could* use. Dan and I looked over the list, and it was slim pickins' as to what items I actually HAVE. So we came up with the 4 things I needed, but just barely. One of the things was the title for my car, which was still under my parents name in PA. We were told that if I brought it in and signed it in front of the notary, that that should be ok for a piece of idea. WRONG AGAIN.

Today I went back with:
1) my PA driver's license
2) the original copy of my birth certificate
3) our lease agreement
4) a paystub from RGIS
5) The title for my car, signed by both of my parents and a PA notary.

You wanna know what? I STILL COULDN'T GET MY MOTHERFUCKING DRIVER'S LICENSE! WHAT THE MOTHERFUCKING BLOODY HELL??!!! Oh, and I can't register my car without proof of insurance. In order to get insurance I need a DRIVER'S LICENSE.

The lady at the DMV was a COMPLETE asshole. You wanna know what her excuse is for why it's so hard to get a driver's license? BECAUSE OF 9/11!!! MOTHERFUCKING 9/11!!! And you know what? This may seem completely insensitive to some people, but that stupid day in our history was NOT the worst thing to happen to human civilization. Yet it makes everything a complete pain in the ass! Yes, I lost and almost lost people I knew/know. Yes, at the time I lived 15 miles away from where the WTC was. And you know what? IT WAS NOT THE END OF THE WORLD. Just the end of decent life as we knew it. So I ask you- why, because of terrorists flying planes into buildings at least 600 miles away from here, does that make it SO FUCKING HARD FOR ME TO GET A DRIVER'S LICENSE IN A STATE THAT WASN'T EVEN A PART OF THAT DAY IN HISTORY? WHY?!!!!

Oh, and you wanna know what else? My car got towed this morning within the property. Even after they put up a notice saying that the re-surfacing in the parking lots wouldn't happen until Friday, they did it TODAY. And now they will expect me to pay them money for their fucking lie.

I hope you're having a better day than me.

car towed, mi driver's license, the man, rant, 9/11, lith, dmv

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