(no subject)

Aug 09, 2005 11:09

My judges test went really well. I am SURE that I passed. I was really fearing how tough they'd make it, but it really wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Since it was a specialty test for only one breed, I ended up have only 50 questions instead of the normal 125 on my written test, and 10 instead of the normal 5 on my oral exam. The written test's questions were more general stuff about faults and disqualifications, and a bunch of wool class questions. The questions on the oral part were really specific Jersey Wooly stuff where I basically answered with quotes from the standard. The other gal who was taking the test had an all-breed one, and I hope she passed. I know she's failed once already. I will probably take the test for a few more breeds later on, like if my wonderful little Mini Satins get recognized. Ohs how I love my Mini Satins. They're so freakin cute. They're my little red shiny things!

My family reunion was fun. Dan got to meet a lot of my relatives, and he really enjoyed himself. My extended family are all very nice people. My mom's cousins Ralphie and Rosie invited us to come over afterwards to look at all of Ralphie's sculptures and restored horse carriages and buggies, cuz I knew Dan would be interested in seeing them. They have an absolutely gorgeous split-level house... I'm jealous. 2 sun rooms, 2 large ponds, a huge kitchen... just really nice. After we left there, we went to the Clinton County fair with my Grandpa. We all had a really good time. We got pork roast sammiches (I couldn't believe Dan's never been to a pig roast!), and we ended the night with yummy ice cream. I ended up helping everyone with their's cuz I didn't get my own, but Grandpa's was the yummiest. Peanut Butter Ripple. Mmmmmmm. If I inherited one thing from my Grandpa, it's his love for peanut butter. PB is the shiz. After we left the fair, we went back home to my mom's house and fed the rabbits and went to bed.

Yesterday was Knoebel's! If you've never been there, I highly suggest going. It's been rated the #1 family amusement park in the country for years. There is no fee for parking or admission, and you're allowed to bring your own food in. You could go there and literally not spend a dime. You only have to pay for rides (an all-day wristband is $25 without wood coasters, $31 with), and the food there is excellent and cheap. You could pretty much get anything you'd ever want to eat. We got pierogies, sweet potato french fries, pizza, and ice cream. Dan and I went on lots of rides, and my mom went on a selected few. I really love the newest wood coaster, Twister. I don't normally like roller coasters that much, but the Twister is just awesome. The only thing I didn't get to go on that I had wanted to was the Tilt-A-Whirl.

That's about all that's going on for me. Been really depressed lately, but Knoebel's helped that for a while. Anything I can do to get my mind off of it is always good.

Hope you all are well. *hugs*

knoebel's, depression, judges test, family reunion, rabbits

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