Apr 07, 2011 01:48
I'm reminded today just how glad I am for things just the way they are. That is, I'm so glad to be free, single that is, and oh so pleased about it. I mean really!!!!! *dances* I don't have to bother with that rotten guy ever again! Granted, I have my regrets, but hey, that's life. My regrets aren't that I left him, it's things like: "shoot, I wish I hadn't given him 'Howl's Moving Castle' (<-awesome movie) for his b-day, shoulda saved my money and not bothered" or "Too bad I can't have that jacket of his. . . I loved that jacket" or "why did I waist my time! I had better things I coulda been doing! Look at all the stuff I missed because of him!" Ya know, things like that. *sigh* Many regrets, but none of them involving the loss of that guy, other things. I mean, wow! I can't believe I was ever with that guy! What on earth was I thinking? Did I go nuts during that time or what? It seems the saying "love is blind" is soooooooooooo much truer than I ever knew! It is true in so many ways, makes you over look what a jerk they are! Goodness! So glad I woke up! So GLAD I dumped him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so not even sad about that anymore, I'm happy! I realized how happy I am to be rid of him today! Whew! I may have changed a lot because of all that but I'm soooo glad I'm out of it now! Freedom! I even got hit on all over the place today! I guess I should wear that outfit more often! ^.^ Show off my awesomeness bwhahahaha jk >.> Hehehe! The guy lost a good thing! LOL! He had no idea how good he had it, I was so nice to him! Hahahahaha! ^.^ But he's not my problem anyone, YAY! way it is