Jan 03, 2008 19:16
Time: 12:21 PM Thursday January 3, 2008 - began
1:38 PM Thursday January 3, 2008 - end
Place: My room, home sweet home
Music: Gundam SEED Destiny Soundtrack Songs
Journal Title: About Destiny…
So… you may think here I start on some philosophical rant, with a song named ignited playing at the beginning of this. But no, I don’t think I have that much in me. I never do…. Occasionally if something drastic happens I can muster that up. But even so… time right now I don’t think permits it.
Instead… what other destiny could I mean? I believe that grows more and more obvious the more nonsense I type as an introduction. If you couldn’t already guess by the choice of music I am of course referring to Gundam. But I won’t bore you talking about Destiny… Shinn Asuka’s Gundam towards the end of the series (is his name spelled with one or two n’s by the way???)
No…. but I shall take the time to reflect on the series, as a way of closing that chapter off in my heart. I feel I have to do this after seeing a particularly moving work. So… as Fields of Hope begins to play… I feel a little sinking feeling in my heart. I wonder how it is that anime can move me so much. I almost wish I weren’t so sentimental and pathetic. I would save myself tons of time and grief… but alas, I guess such was not…. Destined.
[I’ll just pause here… (jumping back up here after a good six more pages of type because I realized, as always with these I get ahead of myself) I should warn just in case some go blindly forward without realizing. SPOILERS!! MAJOR… more or less. WARNING! I mean it. I just gave up… why hide it. Kinda hard to analyze without giving away stuff. ^___^;]
That being the case, all in all if you didn’t already determine for yourself; I liked Gundam SEED Destiny. It was quite the mess in a way at the same time… but a little chaos has never stopped me.
Why? How? You may wonder. I don’t even know for sure myself. But I know one thing. I am a sucker for Gundam series. The other thing I know, is I am more prone to a series if there is character development more or less. I think this one had a lot of potential. On the flip side, I think they could have developed more, but at least it was there.
So, with that out of the way, I get to reasons for my love and also a few dislikes.
First, I loved Gundam SEED… don’t know if I ever managed to post on it like this… but I did. I recall that little jump my heart did when I first saw it. I felt like I had gone back in time. The same happiness that Gundam Wing gave me reappeared for a brief moment. I wasn’t sure what to do. The series definitely had potential.
Almost immediately I attached myself to the war-torn coordinator Athrun Zala. Maybe because innately while not looking anything like him there was a little of Quatre in him…. He was determined to do what he could to end the war, even if it meant he take up arms himself. Not to mention the father complex and butting heads there. Oh god… maybe it was because he has Quatre similarities… damn… even a dead mother that he closely resembles. Alright… enough of that because I am scaring myself.
(sigh) Well… I suppose I am hopeless when it comes to guys real or pixilated, ne?
So… almost immediately I decided I liked the characters. Part of that was continuing from Gundam SEED I couldn’t possibly throw the series away. It was probably… well… destined to succeed in impressing me because it brought me more of my characters I liked. In particular, Athrun. Since his character wasn’t destroyed, actually I grew to love him more. I didn’t find much wrong outside of him being defeated by Kira… and well… I won’t even entertain battling that topic.
So… speaking of Kira. I still like Kira on some odd level. Actually, I believe Gundam SEED Destiny gave me a little more respect for him. Especially towards the series end. I still forsake all the couples they decided. Most of all, I believe I STILL despise him and Lacus together to this day. But whatever. If there is one thing that series tried to drive in to a point was those two as some awkward couple. I’m still more prone to the Kira and Cagalli emerging from the beginning of Gundam SEED. But I guess them being siblings was too much for some people. (Which I think was a bogus plot twist…. But not going there.) So I got a sick enjoyment out of Kira going to take the bride Cagalli from her wedding in a Gundam. Yep…. Fangirl dream fantasy on screen much. And then his comment on the dress. I swear what the hell was with that twist of plot and them as siblings! RAUGH!
So…. On with the other characters from Gundam SEED. Lacus…. Wow…. Actually from the beginning of Gundam SEED I admired her very much. It was hard to let go of that. So in the beginning of Gundam SEED Destiny I was a little agitated with how slow a start her and Kira got. I suppose they were very hesitant to participate in war again and needed to understand more. Makes sense. But man was it annoying. So… when Lacus finally comes out and gets into action… it is to go into hiding. Once again, agitating. But I stuck with her till the end, waiting till she got her moment to shine. Then there it was, it was time, she announced. Sure enough they were on the move. Here I told my brother I half speculated the true Deus Ex Machina was Lacus herself rather than the Freedom and Justice Gundams. Once again she provided both…. Interesting thought there.
So here comes the all mighty Eternal. All in all, yep, I still liked Lacus. Though I had moments of longing because I liked her and Athrun as a couple. But she seemed hell bent on hurting the poor boy… alas, what can one do.
That was the sad thing about this series. There was a lot of focus on how things never turn out the way you would like for them to… even when you try so hard. Even when everyone agrees. Nothing can turn out exactly how you like. Eventually, things diverge, change,… die. But somehow…. Human beings keep that hope. Which I guess… that is all we need. My lesson from the series… don’t live for the future, nor stuck in your past. Live for the moment. That is all we can change… all we can influence.
So… this brings me to jumping back to Cagalli. Well… I must say I began with Gundam SEED liking her character. She had such potential… then… she died somewhere. I hadn’t thought it possible. But Gundam SEED Destiny ruined any chance she had. She was annoying every moment she could be in the beginning. Everyone had to tell her: “What the f******* BEEP where you thinking!?!” So towards the series end I think it kinda began to sink in. She was a much better leader and politician. I respected that she learned quickly-ish… but I still feel sorry for Orb. I mean damn.
This was kind of crushing… because it ruined all my little sick delusions of waving off Kira and her as siblings off as a sick plot twist from a cracktastic night deciding to mix things up. Even if that were the case… she is infinitely lower now on the totem pole… nope… not Kira worthy. Sorry.
I must appreciate a couple of things. (1) She is the reason there was still Athrun in Gundam SEED Destiny. (2) She did call of their little engagement Athrun (poor baby) hastily decided. I admired his ability to take it like a man and let it go. [He had Kira there for him, that was all that mattered. à Yeah… I have a one track mind. I do resort to this when everything else fails to work out. You know that if you have heard me talk about Kingdom Hearts, same concept. ^__~]
Well… even if Cagalli failed me… and I don’t know how she managed to do so… so miserably, there were plenty of new characters. I liked the Minerva crew. It was an interesting twist to revolve around a ship similar to Archangel but of Coordinators in ZAFT. I found the two ships interesting foils for one another. Especially the captain, Talia Gladys. I liked her, and she was the perfect foil for Murrue Ramius. I was sad to see her go in the end, but at the same time there was this deep feeling that it was going to be that way no matter what. I wish I understood more of what went on between her and the Chairman Gil Dullindal. But maybe that wasn’t so important.
The Dullindal was as troublesome for me as he was Athrun. It was hard to think him a bad man per say. I don’t think he could ever be seen that way. Heartbroken, desperate, tired… yes. But not “bad.” He had a completely insane view, in part from all the said feelings, but that doesn’t mean he didn’t want well. He was a sad case of someone searching for the path… THE path, so to speak. Unfortunately, the idea of a specific righteous path… that is too simple. Too easy. Therefore, how can there be such a thing. I think in the end Dullindal realized such. If there were such a thing, it would take humanity away from humans. That individuality… we would all walk the same path and end up the same place. And where is the fun in that? ^__~
But that sure does make life harder… but those things that are worth living for. Those things desired above all… effort is needed. Usually, it is what you want that doesn’t come easy.
And I am sure there are questions. Why am I delaying on Shinn Asuka? I mentioned him once until now… Well… all in all. First, I thought I would dislike Shinn to be honest. The little I had heard and seen of him. I wasn’t buying it. He often sounded annoying and whinny. Like Kira in Gundam SEED, but somehow worse though with reason. Still doesn’t change how annoying it would be though.
Alas, Shinn was quite the man. I was impressed. A lot. I liked Shinn. Kira definitely had competition. Shinn was an interesting character. At the same time, he frustrated me. I wanted throughout, especially towards the end for him to realize how he was being manipulated gradually. In some ways, I like to think he realized it. He just was tired. He was a soldier through and through. He didn’t want to do anything about it like Athrun felt he had to. At the same time, maybe it wasn’t in a character such as his to realize it. Because he was so war-torn, so heartbroken. It was beyond him to see Dullindal’s mechanics. I believe that is part of what concerned Athrun so much about Shinn. Shinn was so easy to manipulate. Shinn was such a puppet. It was almost sad. I think that is why Athrun constantly tried to get through. Athrun seemed to never give up on him. Shinn was actually…. Very innocent. It was very sad.
I was almost sure he may die in the end. Though logically I didn’t recall hearing such a fate for his character… but it seemed he had it coming somewhere. I was glad he was given an opportunity to live. I'm a little surprised he managed to get through it all more or less without more damage... it is always the innocent and/or easily manipulated to get hurt the most, ne? ^__~
On the note of Shinn… he was probably the only character’s love life I could be satisfied with. Him and the girls who came to him. Stellar was interesting. But I felt she was so 2D… but so sad at the same time. She was being kept that way after all. Such a simple creature. I almost felt that Shinn’s affections for her were misplaced… I don’t know if I felt they were entirely romantic thinking back on it. Perhaps it was like seeing Mayu, his little sister again. But I think her being so 2D kept me from disliking her... her simplicity was attractive in a way. For once I was willing to just be handed "here, these two like one another, isn't it cute?" and just respond "awww" appropriately. Which is kinda odd… if you know me, you know I almost NEVER, EVER, and HATE to do that. But I suppose things change… or maybe Stellar was special.
Shinn and Lunamaria on the other hand… that may have possibilities. Or maybe not, I don’t think that was so bad. Kinda like Miriallia and Dearka (who ended up breaking up… go figure), they may or may not last. It won’t matter much. They were kind of thrown together and they will be there as long as there is need. People come and go and meet other people after all. Sometimes that is what I hate about life. But at least… life is kind enough that other people do come. You can mourn losing those you lost in time… but it is alright. Enjoy what there was, what you had, and move forward to make new relationships to last just as well.
I was sad almost though Luna didn’t get much time. We had a female mobile suit pilot, and not much came from her. But at the same time, if more did come from her could she have become somewhat of a Cagalli? Who knows. So I leave that where it is. I like her and Shinn together. (I know, agasp… I do like straight couples. I just hate it when they don’t make sense… and well… then… you know the saying “old habits die hard.” ^__~)
That is the one thing I can appreciate about this series of Gundam. It was very realistic in the character development. I love to know everything from birth to death about a character. I am very through and scientific to that extent. But you don’t know that much about a person… so things such as Talia Gladys and Gil Dullindal’s past not quite explained in clear detail was frustrating for me, but understandable when I sat back and thought a moment. Also, the way the relationships worked in some “minor” characters. Like Miriallia and Dearka not staying together. I loved how she said she dumped him because she couldn’t have any man who would try to tell her what to do. (She was instantly bumped up to favorite female role for me. ^___^) But that is life. I appreciated that. Now I can’t say the main four were very realistic… but whatever. The main characters are always kinda in their own little world.
And some controversial topics:
Mu La Flaga…. Neo Roanoke or however it is spelled. Honestly, I understand the frustration with this. And I know it is stupid. But once again, if I like a character and or series I like it and find it hard to let go. Even worse: I am one of those suckers for a happy ending. I hate when characters I like have to die. Yeah, I can appreciate it because it is a war series yadda, yadda, yadda. But there is enough depressing death, destruction and war in the real world. I don’t need my anime to EXACTLY imitate. If you catch my drift.
That said, I don’t really care that Mu came back by some bogus mystical scientific methods. Even though there was a clear cockpit explosion in space right in front of the ship. No air to breathe so he would have died even if he stayed in one peace because battle still went on some good time after. WHATEVER. I liked Mu a lot. I was happy for him and Murrue when he returned. That is all there is to it. I found it interesting they decided for a subtle approach to him as Neo. (They kinda revealed it for everyone in the opening theme song EPISODES before it actually got anywhere near. “0.o?”- much… yeah)
So, I let that go. I understand if one is the type they can’t handle that level of fiction. But I still stand by I don’t need an exact replica of life here. There is a point to watching anime. I still want some detachment. And that doesn’t change I still get my “it is like war because people do die thing” I loved Nicol… and it burned every flashback to see him gone. I almost wish he were brought back… but that would kill all the dynamics between Kira and Athrun and everything. That death was kind of a driving point. I did feel bad for poor Waltfeld-san. I wanted him to have his lover chick back. Especially given Ramius got Mu. He works hard too! But alas, can’t have everyone coming back from the dead.
I think that is why the ending themes are always so sad. I almost hated that decision to have the little heaven like realm where everyone was happy with someone. First, because it was sad to see so many who were gone and so many who were together but not really. Like Waltfeld-san and his lover. One dead, one alive. Also, WTF is Athrun like around with Meer and such. I wasn’t sure I liked that decision… Athrun I guess is kinda a caught in the middle character. Which makes it very hard for him. (Only makes me love him more of course.)
One of my closing topics will be Meer, Rey and Meyrin .
Meer was very sad. I didn’t expect that at all I must say. I felt really bad for her in the end. I had just assumed it was some freak of nature thing they had going again where they found someone looking exactly like Lacus and sounding like her. I never saw the plastic surgery and everything move. This was a big tear-jerker for me. And I rarely get those centered around female characters. I admit it also didn’t help I was mildly resentful for her character’s existence. It was hard for me to watch and listen to her with Athrun. I am sure it was the same for him. I believe he really loved Lacus. I would have liked to think Lacus felt the same… but I wasn’t too sure after another series of her being distant to him. But that was a bitter pill to swallow. She was my realization that this couple could never return. And seeing Athrun experience so many flashbacks of Lacus, that was terrible. It only made me feel worse wondering if Athrun was able to ever think of Meer as Meer. It was a little soothing (and I am sure this was a symbolic move on purpose) that Athrun was able to call her by her name. It spoke volumes to me when he showed his anger towards PLANT, ZAFT, and Dullindal by actually calling her Lacus for once. I am glad she told him her real name. I suppose in a way, Lacus was supposed to be the closest one to Athrun and probably her biggest role of pretend. Ironically, she made that her only outlet to her real self. The only place any of herself was left by telling her name, honestly admitting she was pretending with all her might, and even honestly stating her feelings.
In the end, somehow she was her own character. I hated to see her die.
And Athrun's other love puppy follower. Meyrin. I don't mean disrespect now... I just didn't like her all that much. I was surprised she was the one to help him escape when time came. I felt really bad she was separated from her sister. While didn't mind Luna in particular and felt she didn't get enough time for me to get to know her the sister relationship was one of the main reasons I was hoping for neither to die in the end. I would have liked to see more sister interaction. I recall hearing her say Onee-chan in the beginning... and I found it odd. I wasn't entirely sure at first if they were really supposed to be siblings. I guess Kira and Cagalli take all the sibling time.
Other than that.... Meyrin was okay. I appreciated she was being helpful. I was a little agitated with the crying, but I suppose in that situation betraying everyone in the military she's allowed a break down. Wasn't too smart to have it then though... but whatever. Didn't matter evidently. She was awkward to me on the Archangel. I won't lie... a twisted part of me liked her presence because it kinda kept Cagalli in check. Other than that, she brought out some interesting relations between characters. Like when she asked if Athrun were okay. Kira pointed out she shouldn't ask that because he will always say he is fine. Something about his personality I already noted (because I over-analyze and obsess, especially when I like a character) but it helps to have it pointed out because it indicates it was done intentionally to be a part of the characters personality. That whole canon verus canon-esque from theory sort of thing.
I admit I do regret not seeing more screen time with her too. I would have liked to see more character. It was very subtle that she was an information expert... that could have been done better. But I suppose that made Athrun's escape more interesting. Here I thought she was a stalker. But I would have liked to realize she could hack to a degree... I was wondering if they just had files on Athrun floating about on the internet or something. lol.
Oh, almost forgot to touch on Rey. Rey was interesting. At first I wanted to like him. (New blonde pretty boy, go figure, eh?) But he just REEKED of Rau clone. From like fifteen kilometers away. So I was uneasy. I was glad to see he turned out quite the character. No lie though; he kind freaked me out with the glomping Gil scene. But… I recovered. Sometimes I found his seriousness too creepy. Him helping to manipulate others subtlety at first, then through a little more force if needed. Poor Shinn. But… Rey himself seemed beyond help and hope. He was just as desperate as the rest. I couldn’t fault him no matter how my mind screamed to. It was quite symbolic that he was the one who would betray Gil in the end…
Guess this means there was hope for mankind yet. I was glad that Talia invited Rey over with them in their final moments. It was quite the sick twisted family. Although they weren’t so bad. Just… sad… very, very sad. I didn’t like seeing them die. After all, I may dislike Cagalli, but she had a point. Life is so much harder. Perhaps that is why some opt not to live it to the fullest.
So… I think because I have spent a good hour here I will end now. I may come back and touch on other things and characters later. For example, I didn’t get to rant and rave how I adored the end of (I think) episode 8 or 9. Athrun slapping Shinn. lol. OMgBr!!!! Not once, but TWICE! It was too priceless. I had to have rewound that moment AT LEAST ten times. Then I was delighted by time I could finally move on to see it at the beginning recap in the next episode! LMAO!!! So I proceeded to view this priceless moment another five times before I let it go. Damn… just damn. Oh that was a giggle fest.
And I guess I will keep all the lovely Athrun and Kira moments to myself. ^______^
That said… thanks, please comment if you made it through that mess up there. I would appreciate some other thoughts. I won’t lie, who knows when I return to see them. (shrugs) I can be unpredictable like so….
So… hopefully I am a little more settled now. (Though probably not…) Gotta get to work now. ^__^
OH! Almost forgot... the only actual really evil you can hate his guts dude. Man was Djibril annoying!!! AUGH! Almost as annoying as his name. It just looked bad even from he moment I saw that awful name. I almost thought it was Dearka (GOMEN Dearka!) for a second, then he started petting a cat. And the cat was black. (As my mom pointed out once, hidden racism moment? Though I doubt it in anime... besides, the cat was innocent.) I felt bad for the poor cat. But I was glad that for once and evil dude's death was short and sweet and to the point. It was aggravating he would run away again and again.... but whatever. He died in the end. And only had to see that lovely moment twice, no annoying fifteen flashbacks of the evil guy defeated moment. Though I know that Dullindal was replaying that in his head a gain and again. ^___^
Also, note. All the names are spelled using Wikipedia as a guide... I felt I should mention that. Because my preferences and interpretations are different from most others it would seem sometimes. The exception would probably be Dullindal... which I see is spelled Durandal here. I don't care to go back and try to change. I spent a good 51 episodes memorizing that name that way. Whatever. To each their own fan sub.
gundam seed destiny,