From now onwards, my twitter's background is going to follow my livejournal layout!
Jya jyan!
Oh yea, time to change my Firefox header image too...
Oh I also changed the sound of my msn messenger when I receive a email. It's the "arashi arashi for dream" part currently. So whenever I have a email, that part comes out. LOL.
After I finished Kimi wa petto, I moved on to Buzzer Beat.
Actually buzzer beat wasn't in my drama list at all. But Yamapi fan boy insist I should watch so he handed me all the episodes. I would say it's pretty okay. Not awesome to me because I'm not really a romance drama person.
I'm on making gif high for the past few days. I keep making gifs for my msn display picture. Currently it's meccha danger from Aiba in Singapore's Jurong Bird Park episode. I made one from happiness pv, kitto daijoubu pv. Some from HnA including the valentine chocolate cm! xD Will post it online when I do much more. To serve as a backup, haha.
The latest AnS, the 80 second talk episode's rating is only 4.3%! How pathetic is that....
Was it because it was aired like 10 minutes late?
Oh yea. So.. Yaya Arashi made their own happiness pv too! I still find Yaya Arashi very creepy.... But it was still a very good parody