
Jan 01, 2007 09:43

I just got back from dinner with an old family friend. He gave me my first job when I was fourteen. Doing secertarial work in a law office. I worked for him until I was the summer I became a lifeguard and even then I was still doing some work here and there for him. And after I officially retired from that job, my sister started to work there and has been doing so, off and on every summer and break.

Mr Phelan is dying of colon cancer. He was diagnosed three years ago. Now it is terminal. And he is going to die.

We talked a lot tonight about politics and religion. We generally do when we are together. He is very educated (as you can guess, he is a lawyer.) and he always has something interesting to say. He is also a devotely religious Catholic. He goes to morning mass every morning before work and carries a rosary in his pocket.

He is embracing his death in the same way he embraces his life. Seeing that is beautiful. He understands that while his life on earth may be over, he will begin other life. Even if it is a bunch of lies and crap, I don't think I could believe in anything else.

I do believe that there is a Heaven. I do believe that when I die, whenever that is, I will go to Heaven.

I am currently having one of an arguement about afterlife.

It's strange.

All I know is I plan to live my life in the way that means something and leave a mark and hopefully I will be able to embrace my death in the same manner and Mr Phelan is.
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