i try: to be non-emo in this quiz!and i will succeed :D
i know: that i will bond with my class!
i want: a new pencilcase too ): those humungous ones that can store all my zigs and pens! HINT.HINT.
i wish: this weekend will never end D:
i hate: certain people >:D
i miss: '07 and '08 ):
i fear: lots of things D: like cockroaches.EWW.
i hear: my mum nagging at me
i believe: that if you want something bad enough,it usually wont happen D:
i wonder: if i should just go to sleep after this lol!
i regret: not taking out my contacts earlier on.now i'm too lazy to move my butt to the bathroom D:
i love: friends!
i care: about a lot of things.
i always: breathe =.=
i dance: whenever pigs fly :D
i sing: when no one's around to hear me!
i cry: ......when i'm sad.
i fight: with no one :D :D i'm a peace-loving person okay!
i write: messily/neatly. depends on my mood ^^
i win: uh.
i lose: vision every second.my contacts are drying up.rawr.
i confuse: alot of words which mean almost the same thing but they arent the same thing!
i listen: to emo rocker songs! >:D
i need: to eat/sleep soon,whichever comes first
i breathe: to live :D
i should: go to sleep soon!or eat!
i dream: A LOT.but nowadays i cant even remember my dreams cos they're so nonsensical =.=
i feel: depressed and hungry and tired at the same time o.o
i am not: going to be depressed for long :D
ahhh okay i really think i should eat something,and take off my contacts [which has been on for 19 hours O:] BAI(: