Jan 09, 2006 14:06

It's really sad...but I NEVER look on here any more.. MYSPACE has taken over the world! BUT, alas... here I am. Finding that Live Journal my be my only refuge at this point considering it's the place where i can vent my anger and frusteration with out the ones knowing.
But how to begin. From the beginning right?
Well here goes nothin...
My WONDERFUL girlfriend and I have recently moved in with two of our close friends. WELL were close friends at the time of move in. This was only a month ago that we moved. And since then Jen and I have spent many of our nights fighting and I have spent MOST of the days crying. In the last two years of living together Jen and I have probably had two MAYBE three big fights. Since we've been living with these people we've had.. WELL.. many. THANK GOD... Jen and I are figuring things out and things seem to be on the up and up with us. I knew we would work things out because that's what you do when you love someone right? WELL now what to do about the roomies? There have been little things lately that have been getting under my skin. Bossing my girlfriend around, taking advantage of us and what not. BUT on Friday the drama really came out. There were things said... LOTS of tears shed and now I don't know what to do. Everytime I see them they make my stomach hurt. The idea have having to talk to them is killing me. What's really hard is that Liz, who is one of the new roomies, is on of my best friends and now I just can't even look at her. I have lost a lot of respect for her over this last weekend and I just don't know how to deal with that. I don't want to be one of those people who hold a grudge forever but I can't help the way I feel. I'm sure to some I would be over reacting, but I can't help it. OK... here's what happened. Liz's 21st birthday was on the fourth. Shaina, Jen and I decided that it would be really fun if we took her up to Canada for her birthday. We made these plans about two months ago or so. WELL Shaina went home for Christmas and was gone for a couple of weeks. While she was gone she booked the rooms and things here set. IN the mean time, before she left, she dicided to invite Elle and her girlfriend Olivia with us. THOUGH it was suppose to be the four of us... we agreed and that was that. BEFORE Elle was invited we had talked about only having one room. I asked UP AND DOWN if Shaina was ok with only having one room since her and Liz have hooked up and do nothing but have sex all the time. SHE SWORE it was fine and I was like.. OK! WELL OF COURSE once we had two rooms the first thing she asked was if her and Liz could have one room and if Jen and I could share with Elle and Olivia. Her first mistake was she asked only Jen. AND Jen didn't ask me before she said sure. SO I then said that I wasn't really comfortable sleeping with Elle because we were going to be going out to a bar and she would be drinking, as she should be able to do, and I have a HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE throw up phobia WHICH they know. I can't do it... ALL Night i would be SOOOO scared that one or both of them would throw up and there for i would get no sleep. SO They go up on friday with out me and Jen because we had to work. We were planning on heading right up after I got off at 6. So i get home and I tell Jen and We need to figure out the rooms because i'm not going to go up there if i'm going to be comfortable the whole time. So she calls them they say fine and all is suppose to be well. BUT OF COURSE it's not.... Jen sent Liz a text message asking if Shaina had her hair stuff. They wrote back saying that no they didn't have it and would Erin REALLY have that big of an issue sharing a room. I was the one who got the message so I wrote back that I was about ready to stay home because of it all. I then explained that I never had a problem sharing a room with them I just didn't feel comfortable sharing a room with people I didnt really know. SHAINA then sends me a message back saying that they would really like if we came up but that nothing was going to ruine this weekend for liz so if either one of us was cranky then we should just stay home. I was like.. FUCK THAT I'm not going. SO Jen Jesse and I went up on Saturday by ourselves and had a good time. AND needless to say I havn't really talked to Shaina or liz really since. Liz said she was sorry to me yesterday which i TOTALLY believe she is.. but it just kills me. All she had to do was stand up to Shaina and tell her she was being dramatic but she couldn't. And Now... i've just totally lost respect for her. So here I am... At my parents house because I really dont' want to be at home. I'm really not sure what i'm going to do. I will, of course, eventually talk to them and explain the other things that need to change in order for me to stay living in the house with them. I'm not the mom and I'm not going to be the only one buying shampoo and toilet paper.
*SIGH* WOW... that was a long rant. Though I have to say it's nice to get it off my chest. Alright.. I have BORED you all enough...
Take care
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