Apr 17, 2004 09:44

WELL... i can't even rememeber the last time I updated for real. SO I figured while I was at work doing nothing but sitting on my ass I could at least do an update. I guess there really isn't any reason for me to update when Jen does all the time because pretty much anything that happens in my day she talks about.
Well... hm... lets see here. At the moment i am VERY tired. I want to be at home sleeping with my baby and Tara. Well Tara slept on the couch, that silly girl, but still. I want to be able to hang ot with them today. I don't get off to late though so that's a good thing. We watched "The Hours" last night. WHY didn't anyone tell me that that movie was nothing but sad? NOT to mention the fact that someone with AIDS is in it and he DIES! HELLO trama...i don't... can't.. really be watching things like that. TO CLOSE TO HOME thank you very much. It's so hard to see people when they're sick like that. All it does is make me think of Brian. I am SO glad I didn't see him when he got really sick. But just the way my sister explained it to me.... I know.
WELL moving right along. I am very excited about going to Cali. It was a little weird that my mom decided she should come with us. BUT in the end this will be a lot better. She's feeling guilty because she pays a lot of attention to my sister. Not because she loves her more or anything but more because my sister has a lot of health issues. I understand this and it's fine with me. I kinda keep quiet anyway. But lately i've been having issues and i've actually told her about them, and like a good mommy, when i actually DO tell her that something is wrong, she REALLY listens. Mostly because she knows if I am finally talking about it that it must mean that it's a big deal.
So... i'm SO excited about the fact that we're getting our kitten SO soon. I can't wait to have a kitten again. I hope that it's lovey. PLEASE let it be lovey.
OK well i'm out of things to say. I guess it's time to go for now. I hope everyone is having a good day *side note i said everythong instead of everyone at first HA*

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