I found this picture on the web and had to use it. It just makes me laugh so hard. Anywho our Thanksgiving was wonderful. Lots of yummy food that we finally finished off yesterday. I also traveled home for a night to see my family and then headed back home before the snow hit. We haven't had any snow in Vancouver. It snowed a few times but never stuck. I am happy about our lack of snow 'cause I have to drive to most of the house I clean and some our like a 20 min drive away on crazy back roads. I don't drive well in the snow so I hope it stays away.
I have my first college finals next week. I think I will do fine. I am glad to have the first quarter over with. Next quarter I am taking 15 credits so it will be more work but I am gonna like my classes better. I am taking math, biology, and English. Yay for the basics. :)I have also decided to attend WSU Vancouver in Fall of 2008. It's a long ways away but it's good to have a plan.
In other news Justin and I got two fish. They are the fancy kind of Goldfish. They are so fun to watch swimming about in their tank. I named my Goldfish Spot and Justin named his Tiger. Mia(our cat) doesn't know what to think of the little fishies. She likes to watch them but only from afar. Mia will be 8 months tommorow. She is getting really big. I wish she was still a kitten.
That's about all that's going on with me. I plan to spend winter break working 40 hours a week to save up some money before school starts again. So I won't be as broke as I was in the beginning of last quarter. Well I am off to go eat some breakfast and finish polishing up my final paper :)