May 22, 2006 11:19
A couple of week's ago I went to my family's church to pray because I figured that perhaps God would hear me better if I was at a church. That and if I've been given any divine nudges I've been too blind to realize it. I still don't understand (probably because I've never experienced) what people are talking about when they say God spoke to them.
Anyway moving on. So I prayed for over an hour and eventually left thinking nothing of it. The next week I decided to go to the church and pray again. This time however I decided to take a different route and ended up getting lost which is quite embarrassing (I have the poorest directional sense). By the time I realized that I wasn't going the right way I had already walked to the other side of town. I stopped to say "Hi!" to my ex-step-dad, but he was going back to work from his lunch break. I felt guilty about the quick visit since my Mom and him had a really bad divorce (among other things). I have this problem with holding grudges against people. Yes, sometimes people upset me, but after a little while I get over it. That's probably why it hurts me so much when people hold grudges against me. Life is too short to spend resenting people.
After the quick visit with ex-step-dad I left and just sort of wandered until I came to the street my Aunt Joyce lives on. I figured since I'd come that far I might as well drop by and visit her. She saw me coming (by chance she glanced out her window when I was walking down her block) and greeted me on her porch. She was pleasantly surprised to have a visit from me. I hung out with her for a couple of hours. We chatted a bit and watched some television. She's battling cancer and seems to be doing really well which makes me so relieved.
Eventually I left and decided to walk to my Grandparent's house. When I arrived my feet were killing me (not to mention my back, thighs and oddly enough my butt) and I was so grossly sweaty. I visited with them for awhile before Grandma made a mention of Sallie Mae saying that they'd called her and Grandpa. It was then that I burst into a torrent of sobbing tears. It came out of nowhere. I was so happy talking to them and the mere mention of something that reminded me of the stress I've had this past year over my bills and I turn into a blubbering baby. It came on so suddenly I was quite shocked and extremely embarrassed. Grandma and Grandpa told me that they would help me out a bit and asked me to bring my bills to them. I did a couple of days later. They ended up giving me $500 dollars up front to pay down some of my overdue bills. I am so happy they did. I still have a few outstanding overdue bills, but they aren't as much as they were. Grandpa and Grandma also told me that they are going to hold a garage sale and give me all of the profits from it. It won't be much, but it'll be enough (hopefully) for me to make interest-only payments on my loans awhile so that I can stay current on my bills.
Grandma and Grandpa invited to stay with them for the weekend. I had a lovely time. Grandma had me write down some of the things she plans to sell in the garage sale. That's really why I was there to help her make a list, but we didn't get very far. ^_^ Instead, they worked on the area surrounding their new pond for most of the weekend. I had fun just being with them. Grandma and I discussed my problem with getting and keeping jobs. We concluded that I need to get help to deal with all of my issues before seeking employment. So, I agreed to let her and Grandpa take me to the free clinic here in La Porte to seek some professional help. Everyone who knows me knows that I dislike going to the doctor with a vengeance. This is a very scary step for me. I've even agreed to let my Mom take me to the evening clinic where she works if the free clinic won't see me. I suppose the first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem so at least I'm that far.
I went to church with Grandma and Grandpa on Sunday and we were entertained by the church's kids (the ones in the choirs) as they put on a little musical about Jonah. It was so very cute. At the end of the service the kids lined up in the hallway and as we filed out we shook their hands, gave hi-fives, and told them what a wonderful job they did.
Afterward, I went back to my Grandparent's house and spent a few more hours with them. I ended up finding three really neat rocks and kept one that Grandpa found. Yes, I am a complete geek. I collect rocks. ^_^
I had a great time with my Grandparents. I love them and my Mom and the rest of my family so much.
Tonight, Dad is picking Matt and I up and we're going to see 'The Davinci Code'.