Dec 28, 2006 14:16
I'm going rant about garbage I have heard people say.
I think that people often make it up to justify why are they are doing something even when scientifically it isn't sound.
1. If I haven't eaten meat or drank milk in a LONG time when I do I'll get really sick.
This is only a half true statement. Your body doesn't forget how to make the enzyme to digest that stuff. And if it did then you're fucked for the rest of your life! What is it going to do? Re-learn it? The body is pretty damn quick about adapting and maybe if you eat a whole bunch in one sitting after not eating it for a LONG time then you might get a little sick (because of the response time) but none of that garbage i took one bite shit. I think it is much more of a mental issue. I think I will get sick and therefore I will. Or even I will get sick and therefor I will. Some people just blow it out of proportion.
2. Not eating meat makes you feel better.
Its more because its easier to eat better (or you just have to make more of an effort)! There is nothing about meat that makes it bad for you. Maybe how it was prepared or what kinds of sauces you're using. I mean if it really made you feel bad then why have humans been carnivores for so long? We must be pretty damn stupid to take us this long to realize it makes you feel bad. I'd like to see some biochemical evidence that not eating meat makes you feel better. Why not do a real experiment by eating the same dishes with and without meat for long durations in order to see whether or not it makes you feel significantly better. I doubt there will be a difference. Many times we want to feel better by doing something and our mind convinces us we do.
Anyways, I don't have any problem with people who don't eat meat or dairy. But please don't spill some garbage in order to justify yourself.