sixteen 16 sixteen 16 sixteen 16 sixteen

Jun 27, 2007 20:00

Yesterday was my 16th Birthday!!
I went to get my permit before drivers ed. It wasnt crowded since it was 8:30 in the morning and people were probably sleeping. So I passed the little test thing (few!) It wasnt as easy as people have said...maybe because I was tired or I got a hard test or something. Oh well- I passed!
So Im taking the one week Drivers Ed course with Skylar and its a pretty long day 9-3:30, Monday - Friday. I wouldnt mind it so bad if some of the kids werent so annoying - some girls who sit in the front row are extremely ditzy (im being nice and not saying "stupid"). We watch movies and take a lot of notes but overall its not too bad.
Howvever over the last couple of days while its been really hot, I have wanted to go to the beach instead of sitting in a small room with no windows all day.
But after class on Monday Skylar and I gave Maeve a bath then we went with Abby to Newburryport. It was really fun! All of us dressed up in summer dresses, had dinner at Joes and walked around town. I got an awesome bag at Ganesh Imports, I dont really know how to describe it but its big, revsable, and really cool. So now ive been using it a ton and love it.
So today I went to drivers ed and left early to go to work. Ive learned how to do the cash register and thats pretty good, a good change from stocking shelves. But it was SO hot out today! Even with the air conditioning on at the store we were all sweating.
On the way home, we stopped by at the high school parking lot and Dad let me drive our truck around. It was only the thrid time Ive driven (the other times were down a driveway and down my street. haha
So i drove on the real street for two minutes then we were in our neighborhood. So that was exciting for me. haha
Hopefully we miss the "extreme thunder storms" tonight, i dont feel like going through that.
So Im going to go make dinner now, cant decide between eggs or "meatballs" hmm.....
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