Sweet Tweets

Jun 25, 2009 22:04

  • 05:56 @ plasticbat Poor piggy! I had to give my guinea pig eye drops before. She was always getting it infected. Two person job right there. #
  • 06:05 I got featured on sickforcute.com blog! bit.ly/bJ2Zs #
  • 18:05 WoW, a few stars are dieing off this week. That's just strange as hell. #
  • 18:07 I hope you are pain free and happy Farrah Fawcett. #
  • 18:30 @ TokyoBunnie I think your stuff is way cuter. It seems that company just rips off others ideas in the end anyways. #
  • 18:35 I explained to my Mom what a Mustache Ride was. Then she comments how my Dad has one. Then my Dad tells me my Mom likes those rides. TMI TMI #
  • 19:34 Is it true or not about Jeff Goldblum? I've read a few little articles but I guess since it's in New New Zealand no one knows in the States? #
  • 19:35 @ twinkiechan It's here twinkie but everyone and there mom is hitting it - jeff.goldblum.mediafetcher.co...ew_zealand.php #
  • 19:36 @ twinkiechan Actor Jeff Goldblum died while filming a movie in New Zealand early this morning. #
  • 19:37 @ sickforcute Who knows? Sometimes I wonder if they do it to get back into the news? #
  • 19:38 Again no idea if it's true. Who knows. Twitter knew MJ was dead before CNN.Com #
  • 19:41 Changing subject: Transformers 2 - What's the word folks? Awesome? Sucks Ass? #
  • 19:43 @ sickforcute I am mailing off your package tomorrow!! #
  • 19:44 Oh! Currently downloading Aion. Will try and get in on the BETA testing next weekend. #
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