Sweet Tweets

Jun 13, 2009 22:05

  • 08:30 Giveaway at I Heart Highstreet - bit.ly/kD8x8 #
  • 08:37 Working on getting things for the shop ready to go. Need to get more supplies though! #
  • 08:37 Trying to figure out if I should frame the cross stitch pieces when selling. It would be a pain to ship though because there is glass. #
  • 08:38 There is nothing wrong with ironing your cross stitch pieces. Get rid of those bumps! I think it looks like crap without it. #
  • 09:03 Off to the post office, Micheal's, and PetSmart. I swear I spend about $100 in guinea pig supplies a month. #
  • 11:31 Japanese restaurant sent me a coupon for my Bday. YES I think we might just have to stop in. #
  • 11:32 The new found money tree - organizing your craft stuff. Talk about a easy money maker for companies. Just WOW #
  • 13:12 @ ambitiouslove Grilled veggies are insanely good. I love them! #
  • 15:37 @ thesugarmonster They gave me some liquid Vicodin when I got my surgery. Talk about instant! #
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