Sweet Tweets

May 21, 2009 22:09

  • 15:17 Left work early to get poked at the doctors. #
  • 15:37 Car is done at the body shop. #
  • 19:48 I went to Lowe's and got some flowers to plant again. Well a few plants from the dessert/etc. I get stuff that is very hard to kill. #
  • 19:52 Finally work figured out what we are working for the weekend. I have to work 12 hours on Sat. but I get Sun. off!! #
  • 19:54 Nick is visiting for the long weekend. Decided it would be movie weekend. The one in town is about $6 a piece. Hole in the wall but still! #
  • 20:10 Dinner or sleep....hhmmm well screw it, going to bed. Exhausted! #
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