Sweet Tweets

May 12, 2009 22:06

  • 00:04 Saw Star Trek - Awesome #
  • 00:04 Poor House! #
  • 21:30 @ bunnycartoon Epic picture!! #
  • 21:34 @ bunnycartoon OMG The pigeons! That one wanted to make you apart of his harem. OMG I had left over donuts for dinner. #
  • 21:38 Went to Uwajimaya today too! Came out with 3 bags of goodies. Love that place. #
  • 21:39 OH! Went to the Kubota Garden in Seattle this morning as well. #
  • 21:53 @ ambitiouslove I think it would be cool but don't teach high school!! At least little kids would be cute!! :D #
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