Sweet Tweets

Apr 22, 2009 22:06

  • 06:13 The pigs and hamster will be taking a trip on Friday...up to Nick's place. Should be interesting. #
  • 19:23 I'm now working the weekend. WWEEE #
  • 19:23 Going to beg my landlord's wife to watch the animals when I am gone. Have no chance to take them to Nick's place. #
  • 19:24 Question: How do you gals travel with your jewelry? Do you have a bag of some sorts?? #
  • 21:42 @ bunnycartoon Do you still want to meet up in Seattle? I can bring a few of m dolls along if you want? #
  • 21:47 It really amuses me to put a bunch of hay in the guinea pigs cage and watch them run through it and play. #
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