Title: Rival Fashion Bloggers
Rating: PG
Warnings: None.
Summary: For
yakiseop. Tegoshi & Massu are rival fashion bloggers.
Author's Notes: Oh my god, finally something new in this community. :") Anyway, the challenge was to write an AU fanfic based on a summary that's given and only in three sentences. So yeah. Expect run on sentences.
Words: 210
Rival Fashion Bloggers
“Damn,” Tegoshi Yuya, the number one fashion blogger in his albeit small district, muttered when he glanced at his rival’s blog - he had used a website that would hide his IP so the “infallible” other famous blogger, Masuda Takahisa, wouldn’t catch him glancing on his site; Tegoshi had been trying for months to become where he was - all the research, all those comments - he’d hardly get a single one at first but he made it.
But Masuda, or more known as his alias as “Massu”, barely made an effort; in fact, it was no effort at all - he’d post pictures of himself and talk about the stupidest things and yet he’s already the most popular fashion blogger; Tegoshi tried to do the same thing but instead of getting the same result - it backfired on him.
“What the hell is this? Go back to your interesting posts!” Similar comments were posted on his blog - Tegoshi had been bitter ever since; he wanted to derive Massu out of business but at the same time, he was happy - this rivalship of theirs (whether Massu knew of its existence or not) was what drove him to make his blog better - because Tegoshi knew he was better.